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Stay connected with your patients.

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is one of the most significant advancements in telehealth for both patients and providers. RPM allows providers and patients to stay connected between in-person appointments, sharing important biometric information and data that can improve care.

RPM benefits providers & patients.

Remote patient monitoring is a broad term that refers to a wide variety of tools and technologies for both patients and providers. As the fields of telehealth and healthcare technology grow, RPM devices are becoming a critical part of every practice that treats patients with chronic care conditions.

What is an RPM device?

RPM devices include those that track biometric data or vital signs and share that information with a provider electronically in between the patient’s in-person clinical visits. These devices range from small and unobtrusive wearable devices—such as a watch, ring, or glucose monitor—to large devices like a blood pressure monitor or a weight scale.

Common biometric measurements include:

  • Blood oxygen levels
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Heart rate
  • Physical activity
  • Weight

RPM benefits for patients

RPM devices can offer several benefits to your patients. They offer better access to ongoing care, especially for patients that need to have regular monitoring but are not able to get into your clinic for regular in-person visits. They also offer patients a way to monitor their own health between appointments and do what is necessary to maintain their health.

Remote patient monitoring can also reduce the need for emergency or unnecessary and expensive care. For example, diabetic patients can use a continuous glucose monitor to see when their blood sugar levels are out of the normal range and take steps to lower those levels before it becomes an emergency, and they must seek urgent care in an emergency room. Providers and clinical staff can also use the information to monitor patient health and look for trends that might indicate a problem. This gives patients added peace of mind between appointments.

Qualification is simple. Find all your patients with at least one chronic care condition and insured through Medicare (CMS). Our reporting and analytics can help.

Medical Billing Software with Practice Fusion

RPM benefits for providers & clinics

Providers and clinics also get significant benefit from RPM technologies. These devices allow providers to keep track of patients’ health, monitor high-cost or high-risk patients, and provide better ongoing care. Getting regular updates about a patient’s health allows physicians and care providers to offer better support and education to patients who struggle to keep their health under control. These devices play a role in providing the highest quality care and meeting MIPS and MACRA quality metrics, especially for patients with high-cost or high-risk chronic conditions.

Recent changes from CMS expanded the ways providers can use RPM and get reimbursed for the services. Effective RPM tools can provide a sustainable source of ongoing revenue for your clinic with most payers, including commercial payers and Medicare or Medicaid.

Appointment Reminders

Seamless integrations to improve RPM data sharing.

Effective RPM monitoring for your clinic requires the right software tools to seamlessly integrate a wide variety of devices with your EHR and practice management software. With AdvancedMD, these integrations are simple. We have APIs to connect to most common at-home monitoring devices. The information transmitted from each device is instantly available in the patient’s record in our EHR.

How it works

With AdvancedMD RPM integrations, the process of getting patient data into your system in a format that you can use to monitor health and submit for reimbursement is simple. You set up any necessary enrollment information with one of our RPM provider partners. Then you enroll patients in the RPM program. Our partner ships the devices (often at no cost to you or the patient), and information immediately starts getting tracked and transmitted.

As data arrives, information is instantly transmitted to the patient’s chart. Your clinical team reviews information as it comes in, looks for trends and ensures the patient is complying with their care plan. If you see something that could indicate a problem or a risk, your team can reach out to the patient to schedule a virtual visit or an in-person clinical visit to review the data. This proactive outreach helps you keep patients out of the emergency room, an expensive and inefficient care touch point.

Constant, sustainable revenue from remote patient monitoring

RPM offers clinics a long-term, ongoing source of revenue related to patient care. CMS recently expanded the types of remote patient monitoring care that qualifies for reimbursement. With AdvancedMD, the information transfers seamlessly from the patient’s chart into your medical coding and billing software so you can bill for all applicable services that fall into RPM. As data comes in from the patient’s RPM devices, the provider can see that information in the EHR, chart and add any notes or other information, then transmit it to the coding and billing team to submit for reimbursement.

  • AdvancedMD EHR matches provider accounts from the RPM system
  • The seamless integrations connect patient accounts securely from the external RPM system to your patient charts in AdvancedMD
  • All the applicable CPT codes for RPM activities are automatically matched with specific activities as the information comes in from patients’ devices
  • AdvancedMD suggests diagnostic codes to help you generate accurate claims

RPM is an efficient way to capture revenue every month without adding any more patient appointments or attracting any new patients to your practice. When you use AdvancedMD for your RPM integrations, you also don’t have to add extensive computer work to capture the revenue, since the information transfers instantly from the patient’s device to the EHR. When it’s ready for billing, the data transfers instantly to your coding and billing team for claims submission.

“The money I have invested in AdvancedMD is miniscule compared to the return. I have never been more efficient – ever – in my professional life as I am now.”

Jed Shay, MD
The Pain Care Center

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“[Our] patients are very well-educated and well-informed, and they want to see results quickly. The practice has to run extremely efficiently and be accessible to them. The nice thing about [AdvancedMD] is it has allowed me to be more efficient both in and out of the office. Now I don’t have to come back into the office, which is great for my family and everything else. It saves me a lot of time – probably an hour a day on the three days I work in the second office.”

Keith Berkowitz, MD
Center for Balanced Health

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Estaban Lavato, MD - La Loma Medical Center

“The best thing I ever did in private practice was getting AdvancedMD—it has liberated me.”

Estaban Lavato, MD
La Loma Medical Center

“Having integrated practice management and EHR is absolutely wonderful, you don’t have to flip back and forth between systems—all of your information is at hand when needed.”

Raju Raval, MD

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