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Improve your bottom line and the patient experience instantly with FrontRunnerHC® PatientRemedi®, now integrated with AdvancedMD.

Healthcare organizations are being squeezed from all sides with decreasing reimbursements, increasing expenses, and rising patient expectations. Countless challenges impact your ability to collect and keep every dollar earned and to ensure a positive patient experience.

  • #1 reason for claims denials is registration and eligibility issues—over 25% of all denials among submitted claims
  • The cost to rework claims can be as high as 20% of revenue cycle expenses and 50%+ are reportedly never reworked
  • An estimated 2 million people switch insurance each month, making continuous real time verification critical
  • 81% of patients reported anger and frustration related to medical bill and 93% of consumers say their billing and payment experience impacts their decision to return

Integrated with AdvancedMD, FrontRunnerHC software enables you to instantly access accurate patient demographic, insurance, and financial information from the largest payer network in the industry. Having the information you need at your fingertips helps improve financial performance, staff efficiency, and the billing experience for patients and referring physicians.

Leverage the software at any point in your workflow to accelerate the insurance verification and discovery process and access accurate data from registration to point of care, billing, and beyond. Get paid for the services provided, optimize your staff’s time, and ensure your patients’ billing experience is as positive as their clinical experience.

Capabilities available in the software package:

Insurance Discovery
Discover up-to-date patient insurance in real time, including coordination of benefits (COB) coverage for MCOs & Medicare Advantage Plans & find Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBI)

Demographic Verification
Validate & update patient demographic information that is so often inaccurate or missing

Insurance Eligibility Verification
Get detailed benefits coverage & exceptions & discover any secondary insurance plans applicable to specific claims

Financial Disposition/Propensity to Pay
Optimize collections while considering each patient’s financial situation. Authorized users can view a patient’s propensity to pay, integrate hardship assistance forms, or strategize for collection efforts & patient correspondence


  • Maximize and accelerate reimbursements
  • Minimize rejected claims due to insurance eligibility errors
  • Eliminate the costs, wasted time, & hassles of rework and reallocate staff to higher value activities
  • Scale up volume
  • Improve patient and client satisfaction with a better billing experience

FrontRunnerHC solutions are HIPAA, CORE, and SOC2 compliant and are leveraged by hundreds of healthcare organizations nationwide including labs, physician groups, healthcare systems, and billing service companies to achieve measurable results.

Sample Testimonials:

  • “Checking insurance eligibility and getting accurate, easily digestible data back from payers is a consistent thorn for my team. Figuring out if a patient even has insurance can be another massive time suck as well if registration information is missing. As the owner of a billing company, I am always looking for operational efficiency because staff time is the resource I have to offer. With FrontRunnerHC, we’ve gone from using hundreds of logins for dozens of portals for hundreds of clients to a single, unified, efficient and accurate solution. My team loves the software and uses it every day. The bottom line, is that I’m saving on my bottom line and I’m helping our clients improve theirs as well.” – John Gwin, CEO, The Auctus Group
  • “Our team was having to make tough decisions about where we put our energy. This solution allows us to focus on areas we hadn’t been able to before.” – Nichole Kerr, Senior Director, Revenue Services, Sonora Quest
  • “On the first day of using FrontRunnerHC, I was able to obtain 80% of the cases that were missing or had invalid insurances. As a non-participating provider, insurance carriers often limit eligibility, so the eligibility check comes in very handy as well. I am excited about our collaboration and look forward to our mutual growth.” – April Leaver, Director of Billing & Reimbursement, Cleveland Diagnostics

Additional resources:

Category: | Software Type: Medical Billing, Patient Engagement

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