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Mend Telehealth & Engagement Platform


2020 was about practice survival. 2021 is about practice success.

Mend provides the complete telehealth and patient engagement solution to fill the gaps that leave administrators scrambling and providers working overtime.

Finally, a solution that blends your physical and virtual practice seamlessly!

Mend Product Features:

  • HIPAA Compliant Telemedicine. Other telemedicine platforms struggle to get patients connected to their visits. With Mend, almost 100% of visits connect without issue in a HIPAA and HITECH compliant environment free from patient downloads.
  • Live Chat Support. While other telemedicine platforms struggle to get patients connected, our live in-house support agents are available to both patients and providers in less than 30 seconds.
  • Digital Intake Forms. Mend allows your customers to click a link from your website or via text/email message to complete their customizable patient intake forms digitally from any device.
  • Patient Appointment Reminders. Add smart text, email, and phone call appointment reminders to eliminate patient no-shows.
  • First-of-its-kind Predictive IQ. Mend PredictiveIQ is the industry’s first-ever Artificially Intelligent (AI) machine learning algorithm that predicts no-shows and cancellations before they happen.
  • Patient Scheduling. Make it quick and convenient for patients to schedule or modify their appointments 24/7/365 and improve your patient scheduling workflow.

Complete the form to the right to learn more about the synergies between Mend and AdvancedMD.

Learn more about the Mend telehealth and patient engagement platform.


Category: Care Coordination, Patient Engagement | Software Type: Patient Engagement

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