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7 Ways to do more of what Works and Less of what Doesn’t (duh!)


Maximizing patient likes and minimizing staff dislikes about telemedicine

The past few years are unmistakably the era of telemedicine adoption (also known as telehealth and teletherapy). New research illuminates bright spots and areas for improvement that make telemedicine attractive, productive, and favorable for both providers and patients.

As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated, the healthcare system strained to respond appropriately. The dilemma for private practices was less about emergency care and more about how to continue providing services for patients when clinic doors were suddenly closed to in-person routine visits. New research illuminates bright spots and areas for improvement that make telemedicine attractive, productive and profitable for both providers and patients. Here’s what we’ve uncovered:

  • 15% of all visits were done virtually
  • 89% of patient feedback was positive
  • 76% of patients would recommend telemedicine to a friend

We created this new eBook to share seven ways telemedicine is working for many patients and providers, and should be considered a solid component of any practice going forward. The opportunity is to now utilize these research findings to stop doing what doesn’t work and to start focusing on improving those areas patients found most troublesome with telemedicine visits.

The title is perhaps the longest we’ve ever created: Maximizing patient likes and minimizing staff dislikes about telemedicine: 7 Ways to do more of what Works and Less of what Doesn’t (duh!). Even though the title is a bit daunting, the content in this 8-page guide is riveting. Get your free copy today!

Topic: Telemedicine | Content Type: eGuide

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The Pain Care Center

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Center for Balanced Health

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Estaban Lavato, MD - La Loma Medical Center

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Estaban Lavato, MD
La Loma Medical Center

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