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Greenhill Family Clinic – Dr. Steve Wampler

Practice Life

Rural family practice boosts efficiency, quality of care and financial results

This rural family practice deals with a wide variety of medical situations, including emergencies and issues that would be referred to a specialist in an urban setting. As a result, the crush of paperwork became more and more challenging, particularly with the high demand for after-hours and offsite encounters. The clinic overcame lack of broadband access by installing a T1 line and implemented the AdvancedMD cloud practice management and EHR systems. Following an initial slowdown, the practice realized significant improvements in information access, quality of care, and provider and staff efficiency. The clinic achieved EHR meaningful use attestation in 2011, runs at 110% of its pre-EHR volume, and enjoys the associated financial benefits.


One Physician: Steve Wampler, MD and two nurse practitioners


Family Practice


Killen, Alabama

Technology Profile

The practice moved from a paper-based system to the AdvancedMD cloud practice management solution in 2006, running over a T1, as broadband is unavailable. The integrated EHR was added in 2010. Today the clinic runs the fully integrated AdvancedMD cloud software suite, including EHR, electronic charge slips, scheduling, eligibility verification and sophisticated billing. Providers and staff access the system anytime, anywhere through the cloud without the need for additional onsite servers and computer equipment.

Practice Highlights

This rural family practice serves a vital role in the community, caring for a much wider range of needs than a typical family practice tied into a community of referable specialists. Often filling an essential emergency care role – everything from reattaching severed fingers to gunshot wounds or tractor accidents – Dr. Wampler feels highly connected to his patients and their health. “On average, ten people a week stop by my house to see if I can keep them from going to the hospital – I don’t think that happens normally in family practice,” he says. “It’s challenging, fun, and the neatest thing is that you’re taking care of your neighbors.”

Learn how the practice moved from a paper-based system to the AdvancedMD cloud practice management solution in 2006. Get the case study delivered to your inbox when you fill out the form.

Topic: EMR/EHR, Meaningful Use, Medical Billing | Content Type: Practice Life

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“The money I have invested in AdvancedMD is miniscule compared to the return. I have never been more efficient – ever – in my professional life as I am now.”

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