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Sunsetting RPMS


A Golden Opportunity to “Level-up” Clinic Performance and Tribal Healthcare Delivery.

While IHS discontinuance of RPMS may cause disruption for clinics involved with providing tribal healthcare, facilities have a “green field” opportunity to significantly level-up their systems for greater productivity, better patient interaction and care, improved reporting and compliance and more attractive bottom-line performance.

With Indian Healthcare Services (IHS) discontinuing its Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS), many former system users find themselves at an important technology crossroad.

While transition and change is never easy, these clinics now have the opportunity to not only accelerate the original vision of RPMS, but to significantly enhance and expand capability and outcomes with cloud-based technology packed with powerful capabilities specifically adapted to the requirements of IHS providers and tribal patients.

Topic: EMR/EHR | Content Type: eGuide

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