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Optimize clinical financial health

AdvancedMD offers the best billing and coding software for independent urology practitioners or small and medium urology group practices. We help you get paid faster, collect more revenue, and maintain a healthy cash flow to keep your clinic running smoothly and help you focus more of your attention on caring for patients.

Maintaining a strong independent or small group practice requires predictable and efficient cash flow, which starts with your billing and coding software. AdvancedMD helps you get billing and coding right so you can process claims quickly and send accurate claims to payers for immediate reimbursement. Your clinic’s financial health depends on your ability to stay up to date on all the latest coding and billing changes, manage various requirements from different payers, and bill patients for their portion of the costs or for self-pay services.

Take control of your entire revenue cycle management for urology

Revenue cycle management starts when the patient schedules their first appointment, and continues throughout the urology exam or procedure, through the billing and payment collection process. AdvancedMD makes it easier for your practice to stay on top of every part of this cycle by collecting accurate patient information, helping providers enter the necessary information during a patient encounter in the EHR notes, and facilitating faster billing and coding processes to speed up claims submission. Plus we offer the most advanced reporting capabilities to help your administrative and clinical teams stay on top of your financial health.

Seamlessly share information within your system

AdvancedMD makes it easy to get the information your medical coding team needs to create claims after each patient encounter. One centralized database holds all the information necessary to create claims, including patient demographics, updated insurance information, and all the details from the patient encounter from the EHR. With a fully integrated software system your coding team can quickly pull this information from the system without added steps to upload, download, or manually transfer information.

Calculate patient responsibility

Patients are taking on an increasing share of medical costs today, whether because they have no insurance or they have a high-deductible health plan (HDHP). Helping patients to clearly understand the costs for their urology treatment, and what part of those costs they will be responsible for paying, can help you collect more of what you are owed. Patients appreciate knowing the costs up front, and your team can use that information to collect part or all of the payment up front.

Make it easy for patients to pay their bills

In addition to providing better transparency into the costs of patient care, AdvancedMD also makes it easier to collect those payments. Add on to your EHR, practice management, and medical billing software with a patient portal for sending out invoices and a payment module to collect payment online. Our system even allows you to create payment plans to help patients pay off large balances over time so you collect instead of writing it off as bad debt.

Generate fast, accurate claims for every patient encounter

Accuracy is essential when it comes to medical claims. The wrong information can result in claims denial, rejection, or delay. This delays your reimbursement timeline and makes it harder to predict your cash flow. The longer it takes to collect on unpaid claims, the less likely you are to get paid the full amount based on the services you provided.

With AdvancedMD you can say goodbye to cumbersome and slow processes. Our software makes it easy to automate some parts of your payment process, and helps your staff quickly move through other aspects to get claims out the door and collect payment.

Automatically check for common errors

Most denied insurance claims fall into one of these categories:

  • Incorrect patient demographics (SSN, address, etc.)
  • Outdated or inaccurate insurance information
  • Failing to get preauthorization, or submitting claims for services that are not covered
  • Submitting the same items more than once on separate claims
  • Using incorrect or outdated billing codes

The claims scrubbing tools in AdvancedMD urology software help you overcome these common errors by automatically checking each claim before it goes out. Our software verifies the information that is on the claim against 3.5 million possible edits, and flags any errors so your team can scan it and make corrections before it goes to the payer. This saves hours of time and increases collection rates because staff won’t have to wait for the denial, then rework and resubmit the claim later.

Simple insurance verifications

Insurance verifications are essential with every patient encounter, but checking insurance manually is a waste of staff time and resources. With AdvancedMD your scheduling staff can automatically verify insurance at the time a patient schedules an appointment, then your office staff can set up a second verification to run automatically within one or two days of the patient’s appointment. If the software finds an error, your team gets a priority worklist to contact the patient or payer and verify the necessary information before the patient arrives.

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The latest ICD-10, HCPCS, & CPT codes

Keeping up with the latest ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes is a full-time task for many billing departments. For small and independent urology practices that might only have one or a few billing and coding staff, it’s not always easy to stay current on all the changes. AdvancedMD software is the best medical coding and billing software for small teams because we do all the work for you. Our team of billing and coding experts maintains a complete and accurate database of all the appropriate codes, removing old ones as they are phased out and adding new ones. We push these updates to your software in real time so you always have the most up-to-date codes at your fingertips. Plus your coding can create shortlists and choose from last-used or commonly used urology codes to speed up the process even more.

Urology Billing & Coding Software | AdvancedMD

Claims tracking services

Track your claims from the moment you send them to the payer with our easy tracking tools. You can set up a claims review process to allow a supervisor or administrator the opportunity to check claims for accuracy before they go out, or bypass this step for your most experienced coders to speed up the process even more. Easily sign off on claims with just one click, and track their progress toward reimbursement. Once a claim is complete, you can use AdvancedMD software to create a bill for any outstanding balances and send that to your patients.

Take advantage of the most comprehensive reporting capabilities

Every administrator and practitioner needs to know what’s happening within your practice without interrupting patient care to spend hours combing through data. AdvancedMD makes it easier with our full suite of reporting tools. Run and send reports automatically to the emails of every key stakeholder in your organization. They come in easy-to-read formats to help you get an overview of your financial health so you can make better business decisions.

You can spot trends (both positive and negative) in your patient volumes, practice health, workflows, and financial processes to improve care for patients and create a better workplace for providers and staff. Protect sensitive financial data with eyes-only security settings so only the appropriate staff members can view the information. Drill down into each report to see more detail and get the information you need for a successful practice.

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Manage your revenue cycle with help from AdvancedMD

Schedule a live demo to see the AdvancedMD software in action and identify the medical billing and coding features we offer that will make the biggest difference in your clinic’s financial health. Talk to our team about why our urology medical billing and coding software is right for you.

“The money I have invested in AdvancedMD is miniscule compared to the return. I have never been more efficient – ever – in my professional life as I am now.”

Jed Shay, MD
The Pain Care Center

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“[Our] patients are very well-educated and well-informed, and they want to see results quickly. The practice has to run extremely efficiently and be accessible to them. The nice thing about [AdvancedMD] is it has allowed me to be more efficient both in and out of the office. Now I don’t have to come back into the office, which is great for my family and everything else. It saves me a lot of time – probably an hour a day on the three days I work in the second office.”

Keith Berkowitz, MD
Center for Balanced Health

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Estaban Lavato, MD - La Loma Medical Center

“The best thing I ever did in private practice was getting AdvancedMD—it has liberated me.”

Estaban Lavato, MD
La Loma Medical Center

“Having integrated practice management and EHR is absolutely wonderful, you don’t have to flip back and forth between systems—all of your information is at hand when needed.”

Raju Raval, MD

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