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Summer Release 2022

Practice Management

Payer Contractual Reimbursement Tracking (Beta)
The write-off calculation on all payment screens is getting a major enhancement and includes ERAs. It is now easier to ensure you are getting the payments you expect! You can control how the write-off is calculated, either by allowed amount or by expected amount. We also added a specific RARC (payment reason code) so you can more easily track under or over payments.

Claim Attachments (Beta)
Our new Claim Attachments feature lets you send documents with a claim to carriers. You can send clinical notes, images, and EOBs directly to a carrier to reduce the amount of work. As part of this new feature, you are now able to attach documents from all Charge Entry/Edit screens, track status for claim attachments, and import, scan and select documents from chart files for attachments.

Payer EDI Agreement Gateway (Beta)
Our new Payor Agreement Gateway simplifies the enrollment process by bringing together one place to manage your EDI agreements. You can create, submit, and track statuses of your EDI agreements for claims, remittance, and eligibility. More easily manage your EDI agreements directly from our practice management.

Add Referring Providers from Referral Card
While on the new Inbound Referral screen, save time by quickly adding new referring providers, procedure codes, facilities, carriers, and statuses to System Settings.

Custom Provider Types
Create custom provider types to meet the needs of your practice. Provider Types are now editable in System Settings. Create custom provider types and assign them to providers to keep them organized for appointment scheduling and billing.

Default Carrier Financial Class
We added a new system default called “Default Carrier Financial Class,” to help you manage carriers more effectively. This update prevents you from saving a carrier with an empty financial class and allows you to select the default financial class when adding a carrier. These changes help keep your list of carriers clean and tied to the right financial classes.

Claims Same Day Rollup (Beta)
Use our new Claims Same Day Rollup billing feature to rollup patient visits from multiple providers on a single day into a single claim. We’ve added billing tools for specialty practices that work with case management. Now you can automatically rollup visits for a patient on a single day across different providers, based on CPT codes, charge code categories, and carriers.

ERA Invalid Payment Reason Code
We added a new ERA error to help you identify visits that have been sent with an invalid payment reason code from an insurance carrier. You can correct these visit errors prior to posting for faster payment processing.

ERA Automation Rule Audit Log
We enhanced the ERA Automation Rule Audit Log so you can track the user, date, and time when a new rule record is added.

Charge Amount Limits
You now have a new Charge Entry system setting called Charge Code Fee Limit that makes charge entry processing more efficient. This helps you identify errors for a charge code amount prior to posting charges. For example, you are notified if a fee exceeds a specified amount.

Care Team Card Provider Roster
Our new Provider Roster report lets you improve your efficiency and track provider productivity.

Patient Engagement

Unified Telehealth Platform (Rolling Release)
We are migrating to a new unified telehealth (telemedicine) platform that includes many new features and capabilities for easier management and end user ease-of-use. You can use a custom background image and blur. During a session in progress (or before it starts), you can copy the meeting link to invite additional participants. Chat is enhanced and now allows you to send attachments. Our flagship clinical app now supports telehealth visits so you can more easily stay connected to patients while on the go. We are making many other enhancements to unify the overall telehealth experience for staff and patients.

Local Time Zone Support for Patients
You can now record patient time zones within demographics. Capturing this information allows appointment reminders to be localized to the patient’s time for scheduling clarity and to help prevent no-shows.

New Patient Self-scheduling and Patient Intake Enhancements
Our new patient self-service or online scheduling and intake offer robust filtering options for provider matching along with a clean, vibrant, mobile-friendly user experience. Several new enhancements improve the experience. You can limit the selection of certain providers to only existing patients in patient self-scheduling and intake. You can revert declined intake requests. Appointments can be scheduled by a patient’s representative or legal guardian. We have streamlined intake and patient self-scheduling based on new or existing patients. Separate portal links can be used for existing patients with portal accounts; new patients flow through intake.

Scheduling Provider Matching
You can filter provider and site information to see relevant schedule availability that matches patient needs. You get robust filtering within an intuitive scheduling experience. Front office staff can schedule patients to best-matched providers. You can control access to the Provider Matching tab in the Scheduler with a new role permission. Providers can be configured using new system settings such as provider profiles and provider types.


Redesigned Medications Workflow Card
The new medication card screen offers a contemporary, user-friendly, and intuitive ePrescribing workflow. Information is condensed allowing you to immediately see relevant data without extra clicks. This enhancement lets you resize the layout as needed. Create a new prescription directly from the main page or side-by-side with the full medication list. We simplified drug search and made it more intuitive. You can adjust the dose or form without reselecting from the search. Favorites also display within the search. Quick actions such as eSend, Cancel Rx, and changing status can be performed on multiple medications with a single click. We improved how medications are added and removed from the patient discontinued list.

EHR Care Team Card
To help improve care coordination, the Care Team Card is now available in our EHR. You can easily see and manage the care team associated with your patients. We also offer tools to control access to patient clinical data or limit patient self-scheduling based on the care team.

Vitals Card
The vitals card allows you to capture and view important vital patient information in the chart. The EHR card works seamlessly with patient notes and medications to minimize data entry. You can also trend data over time.

Narrative Auto-fax to Facility
You can automatically fax patient narratives to facilities associated with the visit. This automation feature saves time and aids in critical clinical data sharing.

Open Items Dashboard Donut
The ‘Unsigned’ donut has been renamed ‘Open Items’ and now includes additional filters for ‘no chargeslips’ and ‘no documentation found.’ Think of this feature as your to-do list. You can see and manage all open items in one place, without the need to access multiple donuts to view outstanding tasks.

Notes Calculate Pediatric Percentiles
We have enhanced our calculation control to support pediatric percentiles. Using WHO and CDC standards, you can calculate and store growth percentiles for patients inside the visit note.

User Defined in EHR Demographics
We have added a customizable section to the new patient chart to access patient information on the demographics page.

No Surprises Act Templates
Two patient consent forms and one patient note template are new to the template library to help you meet the Federal No Surprises Act requirements. These templates include several bookmarks as well as fields for Date of Service, Primary Service, Diagnosis and CPT Codes, Total Costs for Services, and built-in disclaimers.

Pain & Anesthesia Specialty Templates
We have added 43 pain medicine templates to our library. These let you assess and document back pain, chronic pain, knee pain, or a general pain management visit. Other templates include an MME calculator and the ability to document pill count along with urine drug screening results. We have included templates for interventional pain procedures such as epidural steroid injections, facet joint injections, and medial branch blocks.

Med Spa Specialty Templates
50 templates were released to the library for consultation and treatment of various procedures performed by med spa practitioners. These templates include documentation for body contouring, chemical peel, laser hair removal, and microdermabrasion.

Clinical Notes Data in ODBC (Beta)
Your clinical data stored in EHR notes can be accessed with our ODBC that is being updated so you can perform client-sourced queries and report generation. This update gives unrestricted read-only access to notes data.

Mobile Apps

Clinical App Accessibility Updates
We are including several updates to increase accessibility of our appointment scheduling and patient note documentation.

Capture Lab Results
In-house lab and other test results can now be captured with ease from the convenience of the mobile app.

Provider List View and Unified Telehealth in the Schedule
We have added the simplified provider list view to our clinical app. Access just the information you need when you need it. This view becomes your hub to review and start telehealth sessions.


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