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AdvancedPM, AdvancedEHR & Mobile App Updates (Mobile)

AdvancedCQM (PM)

Group Reporting

You can now create eCQM 2018 reports for Eligible Professionals (EPs) who have elected to
report as a group using a shared Tax ID number. For each report run to assess the group’s
quality measure performance, one report is created for the group’s combined performance.

Important Note: Groups are set up in Master Files | Providers/Groups | Groups. After
setting up the group, go to Master Files | Providers/Groups | Providers to update the
Group field for each provider you want to add to the group.


  • Users with the Multiple Provider Report privilege selected in Role Setup can create
    group reports.
  • You can create a group report for one Tax ID number at a time.

Go to Modules | AdvancedCQM.


Dashboard (EHR)

Dashboard Data Limited to Two Weeks

We have updated the Dashboard so now by default only two weeks of data displays in the
donut filter and table for chart items:

  • Charge Slips
  • Documents and Images
  • Notes
  • Orders
  • Prescriptions
  • Results

If you want to display more or less data, use the new filter on badges and chart items to
select a date range.

High Priority Message Center

We have added a High Priority Message center that displays all high priority messages
sent to you from PM or EHR.

The messages display when you open EHR and can be minimized or set to snooze if needed.

A badge on the message center shows the number of high priority messages.

  • Click the close button X on a message to remove it from the message center. The message will still display on the Messages screen.
  • Click a message to open and interact with it.

To display the High Priority Message center and view high priority messages on the
Dashboard, the Check for High Priority Message Popup Rate user preference must be
set to one or more. Go to Tools | User Preferences | Home/SysWide.


Mobile App Updates (Mobile)

We are excited to announce the following updates to our Front Office and Patient Kiosk apps:

  • Updated Pharmacy selector with improved workflow.
  • Added ability to multi-select Race and Ethnicity fields.


New Pharmacy Selector Workflow

We have updated the Pharmacy selector with an improved and simplified workflow. You can
modify the patient’s Preferred and Favorite pharmacies from Add/Edit Patient screen in
the Front Office app. Tap the Pharmacy Favorites field to open the Pharmacy screen.

You can modify the patient’s Preferred and Favorite pharmacies in the Patient Kiosk from
the demographics form. Tap the Pharmacy field to open the Pharmacy screen.


Multi-select Race and Ethnicity Fields

As part of the Race and Ethnicity release we have updated the Race and Ethnicity selector so
you can now select multiple races and ethnicities for patients. We have also added Filter
(search) capabilities for quicker navigation.


Outbound CIE (EHR)

We have made several updates to Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (CCDA)
documents created in the Outbound CIE tool:

  • Included allergy severity information.
  • Included Test and LOINC code information for lab results.
  • Removed Support for ICD-10 Codes in the Problem List.

Go to Tools | Outbound CIE.


Allergy Severity

Allergy severity information now displays in a separate column in CCDA documents created in
the Outbound CIE tool.

Previously, allergy severity information was combined with allergy reaction information.

Lab Results

Test Code and LOINC Code information entered in Admin | Orders | Test Codes now
displays in the Lab Results section of CCDA documents for lab results linked to orders, so
you can identify the order a lab result is linked to.


SNOMED Codes in Problem List

To accommodate 2015 CEHRT, the Problem List displayed in CCDA documents will now
include only SNOMED vocabulary as required by ONC/CMS.

Prior to this change the system allowed both SNOMED vocabulary and ICD vocabulary to be
used in the Problem List.



Patient Chart (EHR)

We have added a new Messages patient card and made updates to some existing cards.

Messages Patient Card

Use the new Messages card to view a list of messages linked to the patient by any user. The
card also displays previous messages in the conversation in the Show More drop-down.

You can also:

  • Create new messages and new portal messages.
  • Reply to a message.
  • View previous messages in the conversation.
  • Mark action items complete.

Filter messages by type or date range.


Allergies Patient Card

We have made the following updates to the Allergies card:

  • Added an NKDA check box, so you can now record No Known Drug Allergies for the
  • Added ability to Add/Edit/Delete allergies.
  • Added the Severity field, so you can record the severity of the patient’s allergic
    reaction. Severity information is now included in Consolidated Clinical Document
    Architecture (CCDA) documents created in the Outbound CIE tool.


Immunizations Patient Card

We have added a tools icon to the Immunizations patient card where you can view the
patient’s next of kin. Click Next of Kin to view additional details, add, or edit information for
the next of kin.


Medications Patient Card

We have added a No Current Rx check box on the Medications card so you can record if a
patient has no current medications.

We have also added a filter to the Medications card so you can filter the patient’s medication
list by status. The default setting is Current.



Patient Demographics (PM)

We have expanded the options in the Race and Ethnicity screen to allow for complex race
and ethnicity information.

In addition to updating the screen in Patient Demographics in PM, the new Race and
Ethnicity functionality is also available in Mobile apps and in the Patient Portal.

Click the Patient icon.

  1. Select a patient.
  2. Click the Ethnicity and Race ellipsis.
  3. Make selections.
  4. Click OK


Patient Forms (PM)

Multiple Race and Ethnicity & Auto-save

As part of the Race and Ethnicity release, patients can now select multiple races and
ethnicities from the Demographics form in the Patient Portal. When a patient selects
multiple races and ethnicities in the Patient Portal, those selections display in the Review
Forms screen.

Additionally, in response to 2018 EVO feedback, forms will now auto-save every five minutes
when a patient is filling out a form in the Patient Portal.

Click the Scheduler icon , then click the Patient Forms icon to open the Patient Forms


Patient Note Details (EHR)

Review Medications, Allergies, and Problems

To assist with meeting PI/ACI and PI/MU Stage 3 regulatory requirements for Clinical
Reconciliation, you can now mark the following chart items as reviewed on the patient note
Info tab:

  • Medications
  • Allergies
  • Problems

The Medications Reviewed, Allergies Reviewed, and Problems Reviewed check boxes
display on patient notes linked to appointments marked as Transition of Care.

Important Note: The Medications Reviewed, Allergies Reviewed, and Problems
Reviewed check boxes can be updated after a patient note has been saved and signed.

Right-click on the patient’s appointment in the Schedule and select Add New (Linked)
|Patient Note.


Patient Portal (PM/EHR)

Send Message Directly to Provider

Patients can now send a message from the Patient Portal directly to a provider. To disable
direct messaging to a provider, set the Allow Direct Messaging to Providers system
default to No. The default is Yes.


Register with Social Security Number

In response to EVO 2018 feedback, if a patient’s social security number is not required by the
system default setting, the social security option on the registration screen will not display.

To change the social security requirement, go to Utilities | System DefaultsDemographics | Patient | Require SSN.


Remove Patient Last Names

In response to EVO 2018 feedback, we have removed patients’ last names from Patient Portal
and form emails.


Reports (PM)

Promoting Interoperability Reports

We have updated the names of four reports to reflect the current terminology used to refer to
these measures:

  • Meaningful Use report updated to Promoting Interoperability (PI/MU)
  • Meaningful Use Detail report updated to Promoting Interoperability (PI/MU)
  • Advancing Care report updated to Promoting Interoperability (PI/ACI)
  • Advancing Care Detail report updated to Promoting Interoperability (PI/ACI)

The following reports, previously located in the MU/ACI/Quality grouping in the Report
Center, have been moved to the PI/Quality grouping, and the MU/ACI/Quality grouping
has been removed.

  • Medicaid Patient Volume
  • Medicaid Patient Volume Detail
  • Quality Measures
  • Quality Measures Detail
  • PQRS Report

Go to Reports | Report Center | PI/Quality.


Scheduler (PM/EHR)

Provider List View

To give schedulers and providers a concise summary of appointments and enhance filtering
and sorting capabilities, we have added Provider List View to the Scheduler. This new view
is available in both PM and EHR. The Provider List View displays appointments for selected
providers and facilities in a summary list with sortable appointment details. Appointment
types and colors display as they do in the column view. The list is sorted by date and time, but
you can select any appointment detail displayed after the sort.

Go to Scheduler | Provider View | click the Provider List View icon.

  1. Select providers and facilities using the drop-down lists.
  2. Click the List View icon.
    The Provider List View in PM displays all the legacy EHR list view data (including
    Charge Slip status) and adds appointment Duration and Insurance. You can sort the
    list view by any column by clicking the header.
  3. Select Providers and Facilites using the drop-downs. You can search for or select
    providers using the check boxes.
    All selected providers and facilities display as pills so you can remove them easily without returning to the drop-downs. Use the drop-downs to restore removed items to the view. If there are more pills than can be displayed, use the arrows to slide the toolbar forward and back.
  4. Click an appointment in the list to see the appointment card details and actions.



System Defaults (PM)

Additional Patient Portal System Defaults

We have added several new system defaults so you can customize the availability of tabs for
patients in the Patient Portal and to allow patients to send messages directly to providers.

Balance/Pay My Bill Viewable in Patient Portal

  • Select Yes to display the Balance field on the Home page, the Bills tab, and the
    Pay My Bill icon in the Patient Portal.
  • Select No to hide these items in the Patient Portal.
  • The default is Yes.
    Note: The Balance/Pay My Bill Viewable in Patient Portal system default
    does not display if you have purchased ePayments™.

Request Appointments Viewable in Patient Portal

  • Select Yes to display the Appointments tab and Request Appointments icon in
    the Patient Portal.
  • Select No to hide these items in the Patient Portal.
  • The default is Yes.
    Note: The Request Appointments Viewable in Patient Portal system
    default does not display if you have purchased online scheduling.

Prescription Viewable in Patient Portal

  • Select Yes to display the Prescriptions tab and the Request Refills icon in the
    Patient Portal.
  • Select No to hide these items in the Patient Portal.
  • The default is Yes.
    Note: The Prescription Viewable in Patient Portal system default does not
    display if you do not use AdvancedMD® EHR.

Medical Records Viewable in Patient Portal

  • Select Yes to display the Records tab and the View Records icon in the Patient
  • Select No to hide these items in the Patient Portal.
  • The default is Yes.
    Note: The Medical Records Viewable in Patient Portal system default does
    not display if you do not use AdvancedMD® EHR.

Allow Direct Messaging to Providers

  • Select Yes to enable direct messaging to all providers from the Patient Portal.
  • Select No to disable direct messing to all providers from the Patient Portal.
  • The default is Yes.
    Go to Utilities | System Defaults | Patient Portal.


Video Training Library (EHR)

The following videos have been updated: