AdvancedCQM (PM)
We have made several enhancements to the AdvancedCQM module to improve workflow:
- Added Help and F1 functionality
- Added No results status for reports on the Queued Reports screen
- Updated Bundle field to default to current year on the Queue Report screen
- Enhanced workflow of the Patient List
- Added Chart Number to Patient List screen
Help and F1
You can now access help files in the AdvancedCQM module. Click Help or press F1 to view the AdvancedCQM help file.
No Results Status
Queued reports that cannot be run because there is no patient data to process will now display No results in the Status column on the Queued Reports screen, so you can differentiate between failed reports and reports that have no data.
Default Bundle to Current Year
Since 2018 reporting is now complete, we have updated the Bundle field to default to the current year on the Queue Report screen.
Return to Patient List
In response to EVO 2018 feedback, we have updated AdvancedCQM workflow so if the Patient List is multiple pages long, you will return to the last page you were on if you open a patient Drilldown and then return to the Patient List.
Chart Number on Patient List
In response to EVO 2018 feedback, we have replaced the Account Number field with the Chart Number field on the Patient List screen, so you can easily see each patient’s chart number.
Go to Modules | AdvancedCQM.
Bug Fixes (PM/EHR)
We have updated the system with the following fixes:
- Issue 13843 – The search functionality for facilities in the Make Appointment screen is no longer case sensitive. (PM)
- US 166866 – User ID errors have now been resolved in AdvancedFax. (PM)
- US 166863 – The AdvancedCQM module now sends a message to the PM Message center when reports finish. (PM)
- US 162512 – Group reports in AdvancedCQM are no longer queued if there are no providers selected in the group. (PM)
- US 160292 – You can now run a report in AdvancedCQM for a single date. (PM)
- US 166342 – You can now filter reports on the Queued Reports screen in AdvancedCQM for 2019 reports, just as you could for 2018 reports. (PM)
- US 151558 – Filtering to include measures on a report in AdvancedCQM now works. (PM)
- US 164274 – eCQM Measure 68 logic has been updated to capture List Reviewed and No Meds actions during an appointment. (PM/EHR)