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AdvancedPM & AdvancedEHR

Claims Submission Wizard CBO (PM)

Move A Claim Run to Historical
When you have completed a claim run, you can now easily move it to the Historical tab on the Claims Submission tab.

Click the Claims Submission Wizard icon.

  1. Select an office key.
  2. Click the new Move to Historical icon on a claim run to move it to the Historical tab.

Confirm Prescriptions (PM/EHR)

Print Drugs Separately
Select the new Print Each Drug Separately check box on the Confirm Prescriptions screen to print one prescription per page when printing multiple prescriptions. The Print Each Drug Separately check box defaults to the Print Each Drug Separately global setting.
Note: If the Print Each Drug Separately check box is not selected, prescriptions are printed on combined or separate pages based on a variety of system settings, custom settings, and state regulations. View the Printing Prescriptions help file for more information.

The Confirm Prescriptions screen opens two ways:

  • The Confirm Prescriptions screen opens every time you select to Sign or eSend a prescription in EHR.
  • The Confirm Prescriptions screen also opens from the Chart List when you right click and select Print/eSend.

Dashboard (EHR)

We have updated the Dashboard Schedule to honor the Schedule – Double Click on Appt Action user preference. Now when you double click an appointment on the Schedule, the result is based on the user preference setting.
Go to Admin | User Preferences | Home/Sys Wide tab | Schedule – Double Click on Appt Action. You can select the following:

    • Open appointment (default setting)
    • Open most recent document or note of type
    • Open most recent document
    • Open most recent note of type
    • Open new linked note

For more information, see the Home/System Wide Preference help file. Previously, double clicking an appointment on the Dashboard Schedule opened the appointment.

Reports (PM)

Deposit Slip – Enhanced
Use the Deposit Slip – Enhanced report as needed to view the deposit slip based on batch posting, entry, or deposit date. Filters include: Provider, Date Range, Payment Codes, Methods and Options. Payment Options include credit card, eRemittance, and closed payments.
The report can be produced for the different posting and entry dates to see additional information about payments entered by your practice. Check payments are listed by check number, and cash and credit card payments are grouped separately.

Global Settings (PM/EHR)

Print Drugs Separately
You can now default to print multiple prescriptions separately on their own page using the new Print Each Drug Separately check box in Global Settings. The Print Each Drug Separately check box is cleared by default.

      • The Confirm Prescriptions screen also contains a Print Each Drug Separately check box, which defaults to selected or cleared based on your global setting. Select or clear the Print Each Drug Separately check box on the Confirm Prescriptions screen to override this global setting on a case-by-case basis.
      • If the Print Each Drug Separately check box is not selected, prescriptions are printed on combined or separate pages based on a variety of system settings, custom settings, and state regulations. View the Printing Prescriptions help file for more information.

Go to Admin | System Setup | Global Settings.

Import Medication History (EHR)

The diagnosis code and code list qualifier now display on the Import Medication History screen in the new Diagnosis column, so you can see what diagnosis the medication was initially prescribed for.
Note: The Diagnosis column only displays in the new AdvancedEHR® beta. Open a patient chart and go to the Medications tab | Import.

Prescriptions (EHR)

PBM Denied Date
On the Medications tab you can now see if the patient has been denied or is not a participant of an eligible health plan. Go to Patient’s Chart | Medications tab. Hover over the denial message to view the full denial reason.

Lab Orders (EHR)

Print Lab Order Labels
Lab order labels now display the collection date and time of the order, account number, and order number.
Note: The lab company and account number need to be assigned to the provider for the account number to display on the label. See the Provider Information help file in PM for more information.

Template Field Controls (EHR)

Additional Options for Template Calculation Field Controls
We have added ten new calculation operation options when adding a calculation field control on a template. Prior to the addition of the new options you could only use the following operations in a calculation field control: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/).

Important Note: There must be a space on both sides of the operators.

New Calculation Options:

      • Power
      • Square Root
      • Ceiling
      • Floor
      • Minimum
      • Maximum
      • Absolute
      • Round
      • Natural log
      • Euler’s number

Template Library (EHR)

We are happy to announce the release of the following new notes, subnotes, and patient forms for Mental Health quality measure reporting for the 2018 MACRA measurement period.
Go to EHR | Admin | Templates | Library | Mental Health.

Video Training Library (EHR)

The following videos have been updated to match the look of the new EHR:

    • Patient Text Documents (4:54)
    • Template Designer Introduction (6:01)
    • Template Editing Part 2 (9:47)
    • Template Editing Part 3 (9:17)
    • Template Library (5:23)