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eRemittance, Online Scheduling, Payment Entry, Payment Reconciliation, Reports, System Defaults and Telemedicine

eRemittance (PM)

eRemittance Review – View Payment Reconciliation Status

You can now view the payment reconciliation Status of a line item in the eRemittance Review screen. The new Status column indicates whether an item is On Hold, Ignored, or Reconciled in the Payment Reconciliation module.

Online Scheduling (PM)

Online Scheduling Master File – Accept Assignment Warning

As part of the Online Scheduling release, the setup checklist in the Online Scheduling master file now warns you if the Accept Assignment field is set to No for your default Financial Class in System Defaults. This warning helps ensure that your default Financial Class is correct for your office’s workflow.

Payment Entry (PM)

Insurance Tab – Write-off and Risk Columns Always Display

Because write-off or risk information is auto-applied to a transaction based on a patient’s assigned financial class, the Write-off and Risk columns now always display in the Insurance tab in the Payment Entry screen.

As part of this enhancement, we have removed the Settings icon as it is no longer needed.

Payment Reconciliation (PM)

Open Reconciliation Report with Hotkey

You can now press Alt + E to open the Payment Reconciliation Report from the Payment Reconciliation screen.

Reports (PM)

Master Appointments with Insurance Report – Show Patient, Insurance, or Total Balance

Use the new Include Balance filter to select whether to include Patient, Insurance, or Total Balance on the Master Appointments with Insurance report. If no balance is selected, Patient Balance is included by default.

Inbound Referrals Audit Report – Visit Number Column

We have added a Visit # column to the Inbound Referrals Audit report to provide clarity when a patient has multiple visits on the same day.

System Defaults (PM)

Require Batches System Default Now Displays for Behavioral and Mental Health Specialties

We have updated Behavioral and Mental Health Specialty office keys to display the Require Batches system default, so you can now choose to require a batch to be opened before any transactions are posted.

Telemedicine (PM/EHR)

We have made the following enhancements to the Telemedicine module to streamline payments and simplify workflow:

  • Payment not required when copay is $0.00.
  • Sync provider information.

Payment not Required when Copay is $0.00

Now, patients who have a primary insurance and a zero-dollar copay are not required to enter payment information when they start a telemedicine appointment, regardless of payment settings. This safeguards patients from being charged unnecessarily.

Sync Inactive Provider Information

Use the new Sync button on the Telemedicine Settings screen to hide inactive providers and their appointments on the Telemedicine Dashboard.

Video Training Library (PM/EHR/Mobile)

The following videos have been updated:

  • User Management
    Updated to show that 2 Factor Authentication is available in AdvancedMD mobile and Patient Kiosk.
  • EHR Admin Setup Part 2
    Updated for recent visual changes in EHR.