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Mobile App Patient Kiosk (Mobile)

Take Patient Photo
Patients can take or update their own photo using the Patient Kiosk.
Note: If you want to allow patients to take their photo from the Patient Kiosk, set the Take Patient Photo system default to Yes.

    1. Tap the patient image to open the camera and take the photo. If there is a patient photo, tap Retake Photo.
    2. Choose to Use Photo, or Retake Photo if needed.

Note: Optionally, you can tap Remove to remove the photo from the system.

Update Patient Preferred Pharmacy
Patients can now add or update their preferred pharmacy in the Patient Kiosk

  1. Tap the Pharmacy field to open the Select Pharmacy screen.
  2. Search for a retail or mail-order pharmacy.
  3. Select the pharmacy.
  4. Tap Done.