AdvancedPatient (PM/Mobile)
Alongside the auto-assign update, we have made several changes to the Front Office app, including:
Screen Updates
• Appointments, Search, and Forms panes are now full-screen. Use the tabs to switch between screens.
• We have added a pull-to-refresh function to the Front Office app. Press your finger to the screen and pull down to refresh the page.
• The Generate PIN button has been moved and now displays the patient’s PIN when you tap it.
• The Edit Patient button has been renamed Edit Demographics and has been moved.
• The Add Patient icon has been renamed New Patient and has been moved.
• You can now view past patient appointments, up to two weeks, and all future appointments in the Patient Details | Appointments screen. Past appointments are shown in a lighter version of the appointment type color.
• Appointment cards can now show multiple appointment types. The card’s color is determined by the first appointment type listed on the card.
• Appointment cards no longer show a status for all forms made available to the patient. Cards now show only the form status for today’s appointment.
• The Forms tab now displays all patients with forms in progress. Patients will not display in this tab until they open their forms. Forms are sorted from highest percentage complete to least percentage complete.
• Forms now auto-expire 30 days after the associated appointment. Forms that have not been opened will be deleted from the patient portal and the system.
• Settings have moved into the Settings icon.
“The money I have invested in AdvancedMD is miniscule compared to the return. I have never been more efficient – ever – in my professional life as I am now.”
Jed Shay, MD
The Pain Care Center
“[Our] patients are very well-educated and well-informed, and they want to see results quickly. The practice has to run extremely efficiently and be accessible to them. The nice thing about [AdvancedMD] is it has allowed me to be more efficient both in and out of the office. Now I don’t have to come back into the office, which is great for my family and everything else. It saves me a lot of time – probably an hour a day on the three days I work in the second office.”
Keith Berkowitz, MD
Center for Balanced Health
“The best thing I ever did in private practice was getting AdvancedMD—it has liberated me.”
Estaban Lavato, MD
La Loma Medical Center
“Having integrated practice management and EHR is absolutely wonderful, you don’t have to flip back and forth between systems—all of your information is at hand when needed.”
Raju Raval, MD
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