Billing (PM)
Period Close QuickBooks Data Transfer
We are happy to announce the new Period Close QuickBooks Data Transfer feature to electronically map, aggregate, and transfer period close data for one or multiple practice groups to QuickBooks® or other accounting software. Electronic data transfer saves you time and increases accuracy in your accounting process.
Note: To purchase the Period Close QuickBooks Transfer feature, contact Client Support Services.
Role Setup
Add the Integrate with QuickBooks privilege to your user role.
Go to Utilities | Role Setup | Financials | Integrate with QuickBooks.
System Default GL Mapping
Before you can use the data transfer feature, you need to set up mapping defaults in your office key. Each transaction type is mapped based on default values using system defaults.
Go to Utilities | System Defaults | QuickBooks Integration.
Add a mapping default, using placeholders or accounting segments (from your Chart of Accounts) for each transaction type in the following system defaults:
- Charge Code GL Mapping
- Payment Code GL Mapping
- Write-off Code GL Mapping
- Debit Adjustment Code GL Mapping
You can use the following bracketed placeholders when setting your mapping defaults:
- [CC] – Charge Code
- [PC] – Payment Code
- [WC] – Write-off Code
- [DA] – Debit Adjustment Code
- [FC] – Financial Class Code
Note: Only the Financial Class placeholder [FC] can be used in mapping defaults across all transaction types
Add GL Codes to Master Files
All transaction types you want to include in the data file need to be assigned a GL code that corresponds with the accounting structure in your chart of accounts.
For example, to include payment transactions in the data file, you first assign a specific GL mapping code in the Payments master file (based on your accounting structure) so your accounting software will recognize them as payment transactions.
Go to Master Files | Transaction Codes.
- Procedure Charge Code master file
- Add a Procedure Charge Code GL (by charge code)
- Payment Code master file
- Add a Payment Code GL for A/R transactions
- Write-off Code master file
- Add a Write-off Code GL
- Debit Adjustment Code master file
- Add a Debit Adjustment Code GL
Add GL and A/R Codes to Financial Class Master File
Go to Master Files | Financial Class.
- Add a Financial Class Code GL by carrier
- Assign an A/R code to address A/R offset accounts.
Build and Transfer Data Files
Once you have your GL codes, A/R codes, Financial Class codes, and mapping defaults set up, transactions can be aggregated and you can transfer a monthly journal entry to QuickBooks or generate a CSV data file to use in another accounting software application.
Note: When there is no facility attached to the charge, a Default QB Department is added by the system to complete the data file. This is a required field if you plan to transfer data files to QuickBooks.
Go to Billing | Period Close.
Data Transfer for Multiple Practice Groups
If you have multiple groups set up in your practice you can transfer data for one group or all groups from the preview screen.
Go to Billing | Period Close.
Template Library (EHR)
We are happy to announce the release of new notes, and patient form to the EHR Template Library in the Mental Health specialty area.
Go to EHR | Admin | Templates | Library | Mental Health.
Video Training Library (PM)
The following videos have been updated:
- Configuring Patient Billing (8:17)
Updated to include new Respect Billing Cycle Days check box. - Collections – Working Insurance and Patient Balances (14:53)
Updated to include the new Remove Forced Worklist check box - Credit Card Processing (6:36)
Updated to include new co-pay and responsible party payment entry screens - eRemittance™ – Processing Insurance Payments (7:38)
Updated to include steps on finding a carrier’s CPID through the Clearinghouse Website. - Manually Adding a Carrier for Professional Billing (5:42)
Updated to include the Focus One Statement Run EDI Report.