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Master Files (PM)

Custom Claim Inspector Rules
Additional Criteria
You can now use the Custom Claim Rule Builder to hold charges in the Claim Inspector based on charge fee thresholds. As part of this enhancement we have added the following criteria:

  • Charge Fee is Greater Than
  • Charge Fee is Less Than

Go to Master Files | Claim Inspector Rules.

Reports (PM)

Day Sheet – Final
Close Batches Button
To improve your workflow, you can now close all open batches at once prior to closing your day from the Day Sheet – Final report.
Go to Billing | End of Day Wizard | Day Sheet – Final.

System Defaults (PM)

Receipt Print Fed ID
You can now choose to include the provider’s federal ID on receipts by using the new system default, Receipt print Fed ID.
Select Yes to include the provider’s federal ID on receipts.
The default is No.
Go to Utilities | System Defaults | Appointments.