Mobile Updates
We have made several updates to the mobile app, including:
- Added the Recurring Appointments feature to the Schedule
- Added the Appointment History feature
- Supported restricted columns set up in PM
- Added ability to remove facility when creating or editing an appointment
- Added two new prescription icons to the iPhone mobile app
- Updated unit codes for prescriptions sent electronically
- Updated the Chart Number field to accept up to 12 alphanumeric characters
Recurring Appointments
You can now create a series of regularly scheduled (recurring) appointments for a patient on the mobile app Schedule. This feature helps save your schedulers time and effort.
Just as you do in PM, you can now use the mobile app to:
- Create a series of appointments.
- Modify the entire series.
- View conflicts (appointments in the series that conflict with a previously scheduled appointment or block, or with the provider’s schedule).
- Create exceptions to the series (modify the date, time, type, or duration of appointments so they are different from other appointments in the series).
Appointment History
You can now access patients’ Appointment History in the mobile app. You can view all past and future appointments for a patient, as well as the status or action of the appointment just as you do in PM.
- Patient appointments are displayed from newest to oldest. Swipe left to view the next appointment or right to view the previous appointment.
- You can view the number of Moves, Cancels, or No Shows for a specific appointment by tapping the Action History icon next to the Visit ID number.
- You can view a complete list of all appointments for the patient by tapping . You can then tap an appointment in the list to view more information about that appointment.
View Appointment History
1. Tap an appointment to open it.
2. Tap the Appointment Tools icon to open the Appointment Tools menu and tap History.
Restricted Schedule Columns
The mobile app has been updated to respect restricted schedule columns settings in User Setup just as PM handles them. Users that do not have access to a specified column in PM will no longer be able to see the column in the mobile app.
Go to PM Utilities | User Setup | Scheduler Setup tab.
Removing Facility From Appointments
You can now remove the selected Facility when creating or editing an appointment, just as you do in PM.
iPhone Prescription Icons
We have added two new prescription icons to the iPhone® mobile app:
- Add – starts a new prescription in the patient chart
- Print – opens the print screen where you can print a patient’s medication list
Unit Codes
In response to pharmacies frequently rejecting prescriptions sent electronically with Million Units, Mutually Defined, and Not Specified unit codes, we have updated the mobile app to warn you and prevent prescriptions with these Unit codes from being sent.
Note: You can still use Million Units, Mutually Defined, and Not Specified unit codes for printed prescriptions.
Patient Chart Numbers
We have updated the Chart Number field to function as it does in PM. The field now accepts up to 12 alphanumeric characters when entering patient chart numbers in the mobile app.
Previously, the Chart Number field allowed you to enter nine digits.