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Mobile App Updates

Mobile App Updates

We have made the following updates to the mobile app:

  • Allow Emergency Access to restricted patient charts
  • View and update allergy Severity field
  • Display pharmacy address and pharmacy type icons when creating and viewing a prescription

Emergency Access

The mobile app now respects the Allow Emergency Access check box in PM Utilities | User Management – User Setup, just as it does in EHR.

Allergy Severity

You can now enter allergy Severity information when you add or edit an allergy in the mobile app, just as you can in EHR.

Go to a patient’s facesheet and tap the Allergies icon.

Pharmacy Address

We have added the pharmacy address to the Prescription Detail screen, so you can easily differentiate between pharmacies with multiple locations.

We have also added a new Mail Order Pharmacy icon to the mobile app. The Retail and Mail Order icons display on the Prescription Details screen, so you know can easily see the pharmacy type.

From a patient’s facesheet, swipe the Medications icon to the right and select a drug.


Bug Fixes (EHR/Mobile)

We have updated the system with the following fixes:

  • Issue 14166 – Growth Charts are now displaying correct patient information. (EHR)
  • Issue 13951 – Alert asking for valid email address no longer prevents you from saving demographics information until email is entered on Edit Patient screen in AdvancedMobileDoc™ and Front Office apps. (Mobile)
  • Issue 13941 – AdvancedMobileDoc now respects auto-fill on the picture control in patient note templates. (Mobile)
  • Issue 14077 – You can now change any drop-down option in a patient note back to the blank default choice in AdvancedMobileDoc. (Mobile)
  • Issue 13978 – Insurance info and card images now save in the Front Office app. (Mobile)
  • Case 1765270 – Blocks now display in Provider View of the Schedule for weekdays in AdvancedMobileDoc. (Mobile)
  • US 161018 – You can now open a private note with the Break the glass to gain access dialog if you have the View Pt Confid Chart Det privilege enabled in Role Setup. (Mobile)
  • US 161088 & 164423 – The print preview action is now logged in the Audit Tracker for every chart item and Medication List printed from AdvancedMobileDoc. (Mobile)
  • US 167382 – Deceased patients’ ages are now handled correctly in AdvancedMobileDoc. (Mobile)
  • US 162483 – AdvancedMobileDoc now respects the Patient Viewable user preference for chart items and retains any changes to the Patient Viewable check box after the chart item is signed. (Mobile)