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AdvancedEHR & AdvancedPM

Dashboard (EHR)

You can now access AdvancedFax from the Modules menu on Dashboard.

Scheduler Patient Card
We have added a Patient Card to the Dashboard Scheduler so you can quickly view patient and appointment information.
Hover over an appointment to open the Patient Card.

eRemittance Review (PM)
The columns on the eRemittance Review screen have been updated so you can now see the carrier name from both the master file and eRemittance (ERA) file. This change gives you additional information to assist with payment posting decisions.
We have replaced the Carrier Name column with two new columns:

  • Master File Carrier Name – displays the carrier name as it is entered in the Carriers master file.
  • ERA Carrier Name – displays the carrier name received in the eRemittance file.

Previously, you used the ERA Posting Carrier Name system default to select which carrier name would display in the eRemittance Review grid.
As part of this update, the ERA Posting Carrier Name system default has been removed because it is no longer necessary.
Note: The ERA Payment Entry screen will still list the carrier name received in the eRemittance file.

ICN Information (PM)
We have updated several screens to make capturing and billing ICN (carrier internal control number) information easier for corrected claims.

  • Charge Detail
  • Rebill Charge
  • Extra Information
  • Situational tab on Institutional Charge

We have added additional functionality so now when you select Corrected Claim on the Charge Detail screen, the new ICN check box on the Rebill screen is automatically selected, which in turn will populate the ICN information in the Original Ref ID/ICN field on the Extra Information screen.
Additionally, if the claim is for an institutional visit, selecting the ICN check box on the Rebill screen will also populate the ICN information into the Original Ref ID/ICN field on the Situational tab on the Institutional Charge screen.
Previously you had to find the ICN information on an EOB and manually enter it on the Extra Information screen and Situational tab.

Charge Detail
Go to Patient Demographics | select a patient | select the History Tab | double-click a transaction.

ICN Information
We have updated the Payments table on the Charge Detail screen with an ICN (carrier internal control number) column that displays an Information icon on insurance payments. Hover over the icon for details such as:

  • Carrier name and ICN returned from an eRemittance file or manually entered on the Quick Charge Entry screen.
  • No ICN – indicates a paper payment that has no ICN entered on the Quick Charge Entry screen.
  • Refer to EOB for ICN – indicates that the carrier billed does not match the carrier in the eRemittance file, or that there is more than one ICN on the visit.

Note: The ICN column does not display an Information icon for write-offs or patient payments.

Corrected Claim Check Box
We have added additional functionality so now when you select Corrected Claim on the Charge Detail screen, the new ICN check box on the Rebill screen is automatically selected.

Rebill Charge
Go to Patient Demographics | select a patient | select the History Tab | double-click a transaction | click Rebill.
We have updated the Rebill Charge screen by adding an ICN check box and field. The ICN field displays ICN information from eRemittance files. You may also manually enter ICN information in the field. When the ICN check box is selected, the ICN information in the field will automatically populate in the Original Ref ID/ICN field on the Extra Information screen.
Additionally, if the claim is for an institutional visit, selecting the ICN check box will also populate the ICN information into the Original Ref ID/ICN field on the Situational tab on the Institutional Charge screen.


  • The ICN information applies to all charges on the visit, even if you only select to rebill one charge.
  • The ICN field displays the most recent ICN information that is a match between the Carrier selected on the Rebill Charge screen and the carrier on the eRemittance file.

Extra Information Screen and Situational Tab
We have renamed the Original Reference # field to the Original Ref ID/ICN field on the Extra Information screen and the Situational tab on Institutional Charge Entry. If you are sending a corrected claim, enter the original claim reference number or ICN (internal control number) assigned by the carrier.

Quality Measures (PM/EHR)

Quality Measure Updates
We have made the following enhancements in order to capture data necessary to accommodate Quality Measure reporting for the 2018 reporting year:

  • Enable Prescription Prompts Global Setting
  • Immunization Not Given Reason Field
  • Prescription Not Given Check Box and Reason Field
  • Problem List Descriptor Field
  • Parent Field in Template Field Control Properties

Additional documentation is coming, and a webinar will be scheduled later this year to cover these changes.

Global Settings
We have added the Enable Prescription Prompts for Quality Measures check box in Global Settings.
When this check box is selected, you will be prompted to record reasons when saving a prescription describing why or why not specific drugs were prescribed.
The default is selected.

Important Note: You will be required to record a reason why or why not specific drugs were prescribed unless you go to Global Settings and clear the Enable Prescription Prompts for Quality Measures check box.

Go to EHR Admin | System Setup | Global Settings.
Go to PM Modules | ePrescribing, then click the Preferences icon and select Global Settings.

Immunization Not Given Reason
To comply with Quality Measures that include immunization data criteria, some immunizations require a Not Given Reason recorded when the Status field is set to Refused.
Only specific CVX codes will need the Not Given Reason recorded.
When a charge code that is mapped to one of the specific CVX codes is entered in the Charge Code field and the immunization Status field is set to Refused, then the Not Given Reason field displays, so you can select a reason the immunization was not given.
Go to the patient’s chart, and click the Immunizations icon.

Prescription Not Given Check Box and Reason Field for Quality Measures
To comply with Quality Measures that include prescription data criteria, specific prescriptions require a Reason or Not Given Reason to be recorded.
When a prescription that requires a Reason or Not Given Reason is selected for a patient, then the Not Given check box and Reason field display.
If the prescription was given, select a Reason.
If the prescription was not given, select the Not Given check box and select a Reason why the prescription was not given.

Important Note: The Enable Prescription Prompts for Quality Measures global setting requires you to record a reason why or why not specific drugs were prescribed. To turn off this requirement, go to Global Settings and clear the Enable Prescription Prompts for Quality Measures check box.

Note: When the Not Given check box is selected, the Current check box is cleared, and the Record-Only check box is selected by default.
Go to EHR Patient’s Chart | Medications tab.
Go to PM Modules | ePrescribing.

Descriptor Field for Quality Measures
Some problem codes require a SNOMED code Descriptor to comply with Quality Measures. The Descriptor field displays when a problem code that requires a SNOMED code Descriptor is selected.
Select a descriptor from the drop-down list. Available options are based on the selected problem code.
Go to the EHR Medications tab Patient Information pane and click the Edit Problem List icon.

Parent Field in Template Field Control Properties
To support Quality Measure reporting, we have added the ability to link two fields in a template by creating a parent-child relationship.
In the control properties of the child field, select the name of the Parent Field you want to link. This creates a relationship between the field entered in the Parent Field and the field you are editing. The parent and child field must be in the same template.

Important Note: For Quality Measure reporting, some fields need to be linked for data to be reported correctly, for instance a check box indicating a procedure was not performed and a drop-down indicating the reason why would need to be linked in a subnote template to report on a certain measure.
If you download Quality Measure subnotes that have parent and child field links set up, changing these relationships will cause issues when Quality Measure reporting.

Go to Admin | Templates | Note (or Subnote) Templates. Select any field in the template, or drag a control onto a template to add a field.

Go to PM Master Files | Templates | AdvancedPatient Forms and select a template.
Select any field in the template, or drag a control onto a template to add a field.


  • Parent fields can link to several child fields.
  • A child field can be linked to only one parent field.
  • A parent field cannot be linked as a child to another field.
Video Training Library (EHR)

The following videos have been added to the Video Training Library:

  • MACRA MIPS ACI 2017 (9:44)
    In this training we walk through how to implement the four Base measures and seven Performance Measures for MIPS Advancing Care Information (ACI) for the 2017 transition reporting period.
  • AdvancedMobileDoc™ – ePrescribing and EPCS Workflow (6:35)
    AdvancedMobileDoc gives providers the freedom to eprescribe prescriptions and controlled substances anywhere and at any time with ease on an iPhone or iPad.

    In this video we go over how to enter and eSend prescriptions from AdvancedMobileDoc.