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Telemedicine – AdvancedCQM – PI/MIPS – Reports – Prescriptions

Telemedicine (PM)

Require Providers to Admit Attendees (Security Enhancement)

To enhance the security in our Telemedicine feature, we have enabled a new setting in Zoom, the Waiting Room. This change requires the provider to Admit all attendees into the call. The admit process can be done directly after starting the session. If needed, the provider can also Remove attendees. This increases security and privacy against malicious attacks called Zoombombing. Prior to this enhancement, anyone in the telemedicine waiting room could automatically Join the meeting.

AdvancedCQM (PM/EHR)

Episode Count Tool Tip

We have added a tool tip for all episode-based measures (CMS 68, 132, 133, 146, 154, 157, 161, and 177) that, when you hover over the IPP, Denominator, Numerator, or Exception check boxes in the Patient List, displays how many times a patient was seen in the reporting period. Multiple episodes will increase the denominator, but not the numerator, which results in a discrepancy between the counts, but the measures are being reported correctly.


eCQM Measure Troubleshooting

We have updated the Troubleshooting sections on all 2020 eCQM measure help files to add detailed workflows to help you ensure each measure is reported correctly. They can also help you pinpoint issues if you suspect that your numbers for a measure might not be accurate.

These new additions include instructions for multiple workflow methods, step-by-step guides, important notes to be aware of, additional tips to prevent possible problems before they
arise, and much more.

Reports (PM)

Custom Visit Listing – Additional Filters and Columns

We have added new filter options for the Custom Visit Listing report:

  • Facility Selection
  • Report Format
    • Multi Line – Default format. Displays all signers, but does not allow data manipulation.
    • Single Line – Displays the first signer on the visit’s EHR note (version 2), and allows data manipulation after being generated.

As part of this enhancement, we have also added two additional columns:

  • Facility Name
  • Facility Code

Prescriptions (PM/EHR)

Confirm Prescriptions – Edit Unsigned Prescriptions

You can now edit unsigned prescriptions on the Confirm Prescriptions screen. Click the edit icon on a prescription to open the selected prescription in edit mode.

The following can be edited:

  • Prescription information.
  • The pharmacy the prescription is being sent to.

As part of this change, we have also added discontinued unit (potency/terminology codes) warnings on the Confirm Prescriptions screen and in edit mode to indicate if the units are incorrect for the medication. This update ensures you will get a warning for discontinued units on prescriptions that are quick renewed.

Edit a Prescription

You can edit a prescription on the Confirm Prescriptions screen.

View Discontinued Units (Potency/Terminology Codes) Warning

Medications with discontinued units display warnings on the Confirm Prescriptions screen and in edit mode.

  • On the Confirm Prescriptions screen, medications with discontinued units display a warning icon.
  • When you click the edit icon to open the medication in edit mode, medications with discontinued units display the unit outlined in red and a warning message displays the appropriate unit for the medication.

Template Library (EHR)

We are happy to announce the following updates to the Template Library:

  • Applied Behavior AnalysisAdded a Specialty Folder
  • Applied Behavior AnalysisMoved Notes and Patient Forms
  • Mental Health, Occupational Therapy, Speech TherapyAdded Notes and
    Patient Forms

Applied Behavior Analysis – Added a Specialty Folder

We have added a new specialty folder in the Template Library, called Applied Behavior

Applied Behavior Analysis – Moved Notes and Patient Forms

We have moved the following notes and patient form templates from the Mental Health folder to the new Applied Behavior Analysis folder:

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Notes
1. Intake – ABA Services, Peds
2.05: Tx Plan – ABA Services, Peds
2.10: Tx Plan – ABA Services, Peds
3.05: Session – ABA Services, Peds
3.10: Session – ABA Services, Peds
4. Discharge Summary – ABA, Peds
4. Discharge Summary with Goals – ABA, Peds

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Patient Forms
1. ABA, Patient Demographics
1. Intake, ABA
1. Intake, ABA Fields only

Mental Health, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy – Added Notes and Patient Forms

We have added notes and patient form templates to the following specialty folders in the Template Library:

  • Mental Health
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Therapy

Mental Health Notes

1. Intake – MH, Peds

Use this template for the initial visit of a pediatric patient to assess and develop goals to improve their mental health. This template includes documentation of a patient’s medical, mental, developmental, treatment, and behavioral histories. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a prefilled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code. If the patient form called 1. PF – Intake, MH is filled out prior to the visit and saved in the patient’s chart, responses will auto-fill to the Intake tab.

2.05: Tx Plan – MH, Peds

This is the 2nd template in the mental health series, and should be used to develop a treatment plan consisting of 5 goals, which is based on the evaluation performed during the intake process. Most of the fields on this template will auto-fill from an intake note template, if documented during the previous visit. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a prefilled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

2.10: Tx Plan – MH, Peds

This is the 2nd template in the mental health series, and should be used to develop a treatment plan consisting of 10 goals, which is based on the evaluation performed during the intake process. Most of the fields on this template will auto-fill from an intake note template, if documented during the previous visit. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a prefilled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

3.05: Session – MH, Peds

This is the 3rd template in the mental health series, and is used during the patient’s therapy sessions. It includes fields for documenting treatment focus and recommendations. There is also the ability to document the patient’s progress on 5 of their goals. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a prefilled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

3.10: Session – MH, Peds

This is the 3rd template in the mental health series, and should be used during the patient’s therapy sessions. It includes fields for documenting treatment focus and recommendations. There is also the ability to document the patient’s progress on 10 of their goals. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a prefilled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

4. Discharge Summary – MH, Peds

This is the final template in the mental health series, and is used to document a patient’s discharge from therapy. It includes fields for documenting summary of treatment, goals, referrals, and reason for discharge.

4. Discharge Summary with Goals – MH, Peds

This is the final template in the mental health series, and is used to document a patient’s discharge from therapy. It includes fields for documenting summary of treatment, goals, referrals, and reason for discharge. Also included are the documented goals from the previous visit.

Mental Health Patient Forms

1. PF – Patient Demographics, MH

This template allows a patient to document their demographic information. It includes fields for address, phone numbers, parent/legal guardian, and emergency contact.

1. PF – Intake, MH

This template has fields to document a patient’s medical, mental, developmental, and behavioral histories.

Occupational Therapy Notes

2. Intake – OT, Peds

Use this template for the initial visit of a pediatric patient, to assess and develop goals for occupational therapy. This template includes documentation of a patient’s medical, mental, developmental, treatment, and behavioral histories. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a pre-filled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

If the patient form called 1. PF – Intake, OT is filled out prior to the visit and saved in the patient’s chart, it will auto-fill their responses to the Intake tab.

2.05: Tx Plan – OT, Peds

This is the 2nd template in the occupational therapy series, and should be used to develop a treatment plan consisting of 5 goals, which is based on the evaluation performed during the intake process. Most of the fields on this template will auto-fill from the intake template if documented during the previous visit. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a pre-filled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

2.10: Tx Plan – OT, Peds

This is the 2nd template in the occupational therapy series and should be used to develop a treatment plan consisting of 10 goals, which is based on the evaluation performed during the intake process. Most of the fields on this template will auto-fill from the intake template if documented during the previous visit. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a pre-filled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

3.05: Session – OT, Peds

This is the 3rd template in the occupational therapy series and is used during the patient’s therapy sessions. It includes fields for documenting treatment focus and recommendations. There is also the ability to document the patient’s progress on 5 of their goals. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timedbased units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a pre-filled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

3.10: Session – OT, Peds

This is the 3rd template in the occupational therapy series and should be used during the patient’s therapy sessions. It includes fields for documenting treatment focus and recommendations. There is also the ability to document the patient’s progress on 10 of their goals. It also includes the ability to calculate the number of units to bill with any timed CPT code. Once the timed-based units are calculated, select the unit check box to push the appropriate CPT code and units to a pre-filled charge slip. To take advantage of this feature, the timed CPT codes need to be set up in PM by the practice, along with the fee schedule for each timed CPT code.

4. Discharge Summary – OT, Peds

This is the final template in the occupational therapy series and is used to document a patient’s discharge from therapy. It includes fields for documenting summary of treatment, goals, referrals, and reason for discharge.

Occupational Therapy Patient Forms

1. PF, Patient Demographics, OT

This template allows a patient to document their demographic information. It includes fields for address, phone numbers, parent/legal guardian and emergency contact.

1. PF, Intake, OT

This template has fields to document a patient’s medical, mental, developmental, and behavioral histories.

Speech Therapy Notes

1. Intake – ST, Peds

Use this template for the initial visit of a pediatric patient to assess and develop goals for speech therapy. This template includes documentation of a patient’s medical, mental, developmental, treatment, and behavioral histories. There are additional fields for recording a patient’s motor planning, articulating, oral motor, receptive, pragmatic, and expressive abilities.

If the patient form called 1. PF Intake, ST is filled out prior to the visit and saved in the patient’s chart, it will auto-fill their responses to the Intake tab.

2.05: Tx Plan – ST, Peds

This is the 2nd template in the speech therapy series and should be used to develop a treatment plan consisting of 5 goals, which is based on the evaluation performed during the intake process. Most of the fields on this template will auto-fill from the intake template, if documented during the previous visit.

2.10: Tx Plan – ST, Peds

This is the 2nd template in the speech therapy series and should be used to develop a treatment plan consisting of 10 goals, which is based on the evaluation performed during the intake process. Most of the fields on this template will auto-fill from the intake template, if documented during the previous visit.

3.05: Session – ST, Peds

This is the 3rd template in the speech therapy series and is used during the patient’s therapy sessions. It includes fields for documenting treatment focus and recommendations. There is also the ability to document the patient’s progress on 5 of their goals.

3.10: Session – ST, Peds

This is the 3rd template in the speech therapy series and should be used during the patient’s therapy sessions. It includes fields for documenting treatment focus and recommendations. There is also the ability to document the patient’s progress on 10 of their goals.

4. Discharge Summary – ST, Peds

This is the final template in the speech therapy series and is used to document a patient’s discharge from therapy. It includes fields for documenting summary of treatment, goals, referrals, and reason for discharge.

Speech Therapy Patient Forms

1. PF, Patient Demographics, ST

This template allows a patient to document their demographic information. It includes fields for address, phone numbers, parent/legal guardian and emergency contact.

1. PF, Intake, ST

This template has fields to document a patient’s medical, mental, developmental, and behavioral histories.

Video Training Library (EHR)

The following videos have been updated to include the new Patient Chart Split View and system updates:

  • Template Editing Part 1
  • Template Editing Part 2
  • Template Editing Part 3
  • EHR Word Merge Documents


“The money I have invested in AdvancedMD is miniscule compared to the return. I have never been more efficient – ever – in my professional life as I am now.”

Jed Shay, MD
The Pain Care Center

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“[Our] patients are very well-educated and well-informed, and they want to see results quickly. The practice has to run extremely efficiently and be accessible to them. The nice thing about [AdvancedMD] is it has allowed me to be more efficient both in and out of the office. Now I don’t have to come back into the office, which is great for my family and everything else. It saves me a lot of time – probably an hour a day on the three days I work in the second office.”

Keith Berkowitz, MD
Center for Balanced Health

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Estaban Lavato, MD - La Loma Medical Center

“The best thing I ever did in private practice was getting AdvancedMD—it has liberated me.”

Estaban Lavato, MD
La Loma Medical Center

“Having integrated practice management and EHR is absolutely wonderful, you don’t have to flip back and forth between systems—all of your information is at hand when needed.”

Raju Raval, MD

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