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Our top 10 helpful ICD-10 Thanksgiving codes


advancedMD | 10 Thanksgiving ICD-10 codes

When you think of Thanksgiving, EHR and medical billing codes most likely don’t come to mind, so here’s a list of our top 10 helpful Thanksgiving ICD-10 codes:

  1. W71.43 Pecked by turkey (let the pros kill it next time)
  2. W61.42 Struck by turkey (was he wearing gloves?)
  3. W61.49 Other contact with turkey (next year, cook a ham)
  4. W29.1XXA Contact with electric knife (you didn’t need that thumb anyway)
  5. R63.2 Polyphagia (gobble, gobble too much?)
  6. R14.1 Gas pain (self-explanatory)
  7. R46.4L Slowness and poor responsiveness (too much tryptophan)
  8. Z63.1 Problems in relationship with in-laws (will they ever like you?)
  9. W21.01 Struck by football (watch it on TV next year)
  10. Y04.0 Assault by unarmed brawl or fight (was your Black Friday a little violent?)


In honor of Thanksgiving, we will be closed Thursday-Sunday, enjoying some quality time with our loved ones (who hopefully like us) & ingesting turkey (the one that just pecked us).

Happy Thanksgiving!


Topic: EMR/EHR

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