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2022 Fall Release

Medical Billing

Patient Preferred Name | Unsolicited Claim Attachments | Payor Contractual Reimbursement Tracking
Auto-accept Consent Forms | Growth Charts | ePA on Pharmacy Request Donut

2022 Fall Release Dates: November 3, 17 & December 5

Our goal with each release is to make your experience a little more unified, a little smoother, and introduce new capabilities to enable you to do more with less. We have been working on this release for months and are thrilled to showcase so many new AdvancedMD features and products.

Practice Management

We constantly evaluate our practice management to assure we are continuously meeting your expectations and evolving in ways that make AdvancedMD more user friendly and intuitive for you.

Patient Preferred Name Changes
Patient preferred name is now available within our patient demographics. Patient-facing staff can save, view, and use preferred name. The preferred name can also be found in patient search. The preferred name appears in scheduling, patient portal, appointment reminders, mobile, and clinical notes.

Unsolicited Claim Attachments
Our new Unsolicited Claim Attachments feature lets you send documents with a claim to carriers. You can send clinical notes, images, labs, and diagnostics to carriers directly, which saves a significant amount of time and work. You are also able to attach documents from all Charge Entry and Edit screens by importing, scanning, and selecting documents from Chart Files. The status of all attachments is now available making it easier to track within the Claim Attachments screen.

Transaction Entry – ICN Field Addition
The Transaction Entry Payment screen has been enhanced so you can enter an ICN for insurance payments. This lets you enter ICN values for insurance payments within one screen and rebill claims to your carrier faster.

Claims Same Day Rollup
Our new Claims Same Day Rollup feature lets you rollup patient visits from multiple providers on a single day into a single claim. Specialty billing tools have been added for practices that work with case management. Now you can automatically rollup visits for a patient on a single day across different providers, based on CPT codes, charge code categories, or carriers. 

EOB Report Enhancements
We completely redesigned our Explanation of Benefits report. You now have more detailed reporting, such as Payment Reason Code, ICNs, and a glossary. This report enables viewers, from patients to billers to payors, to be more successful in understanding the finite details of each visit and ensures that Providers are paid in a timely manner.

CBO Case Management Access for Subkeys
Many of our large practice group clients and billing service companies use our Central Billing Office or CBO feature. Those with separate physician clients and those needing office key billing management now have enhanced support in Hub Case Management. You can view all cases across all your keys, regardless of which subkey you are currently logged into.

Practice Management Beta Release Features

This release includes several rolling and beta products that will be released as they become available right after this Fall release. Let’s now look at all that will soon be available.

Enhanced Claims Rebilling Workflow
We redesigned the Claims Reprocessing workflow in the Mass Rebill area of our billing product tier. You now have a more streamlined and efficient user interface. Search capabilities are enhanced so you can easily see items selected to be rebilled. You have the option to add a custom collection note. A rebill history report is now available.

Provider Type Fee Schedule
Our fee schedules now offer custom charge amounts based on provider type, such as those that offer behavioral health therapy. You can assign different amounts for different provider types on a single charge in a fee schedule. This is useful if you have providers of varying credential levels who bill different amounts for same services (same transaction code).

Credit Card on File Worklists
We are releasing new Credit Card on File worklists to simplify the patient payment process. You can now more easily manage expiring cards, work declined payments, track contact attempts, and schedule follow-up calls. Prioritized tasks can now be assigned to staff for more efficient administrative workflow.

Solicited Claim Attachments
Our Solicited Claim Attachments feature lets you send needed documents for denied claims by fax or mail. You can send EOBs and appeals directly to a carrier to streamline workflow and reduce labor. As with Unsolicited Claim Attachments, you can attach documents from all Charge Entry and Edit screens by importing, scanning, and selecting documents from Chart Files. The status of all attachments is now available making it easier to track within the Claim Attachments screen.

Self-service Provider Additions
Our new Provider Add feature allows you to add new providers in the System Settings under Providers and Groups. When you add and save a new provider our client sales team is automatically notified. A sales representative will reach out to verify your request and complete the change process. This automation speeds up what used to be a manual process, helping you add providers without extra documentation and giving you more control over your providers.

Payer EDI Agreement Gateway
Our new Payer Gateway makes your EDI enrollment process faster and easier, improving your time to collections. You can create, submit, and track the status of enrollments for claims, remittance, and eligibility natively within our practice management. Easily manage enrollments without visiting third-party websites or deal with dozens of emails. 

Payor Contractual Reimbursement Tracking
The write-off calculation on all payment screens has received a major enhancement and includes ERAs. We’ve made it easier to ensure you are collecting the payment amounts you expect. You can control how the write-off is calculated, either by allowed amount or by expected amount. We also added a specific RARC (payment reason code) so you can more easily track under or over payments.

Patient Engagement

Our Patient Engagement product tier continues to elevate the virtual patient experience and offers new ways for patients to be more involved in their healthcare experience. We are releasing additional technologies that expand to patients, giving them easier access with more intuitive features from booking an appointment all the way through meeting with their provider. As we strive to help patients achieve higher quality care, our patient engagement tools continue to deliver many new self-service capabilities patients expect.

Unified Telehealth Platform (rolling release)
We are finalizing our new unified telehealth platform that has been more than two years in the making. There are several significant new capabilities. Provider controls have been expanded. You can mute participants. When meeting with a single patient, you can hide your own video from yourself.

From the Provider List View, you can send invite links through text and email. You can view the statuses of your entire telehealth flow such as patients in your virtual waiting room, patients in a session with a provider and patients alone without a provider. You can also see all ended calls.

New category filters let you see and filter appointments by telehealth only, in-office only and both. Telehealth appointments can be accessed by patients inside the patient portal.

You can now better manage how copays are set for patients with more than one insurance carrier. You can require patients to pay a copay, or you can let them skip the copay.

Auto-accept Patient Forms
From the forms template builder, you can allow consent and intake forms to auto-accept after patients complete them. Save time and skip the manual step of accepting forms. Forms now upload directly to the patient chart.

Patient Preferred Name
All our patient-facing features have been updated to capture and display patient preferred names: appointment reminders, portal message notifications, reputation management notifications, recall reminders, patient self-scheduling, messaging campaigns, patient forms, patient portal, as well as the name displayed during telehealth visits.


A key focus of our product and user experience teams is improving clinical efficiency so providers can focus more energy on patient care and outcomes. In this release, we are announcing several updates to increase visibility of key patient data as well as improve workflow.

Patient Preferred Name
You can now search and view patient preferred name across our EHR. The patient chart badge and hover badge have been updated helping you properly address patients.

Require Documentation for Charges
Two new office-level settings have been added to prevent charges from being sent without documentation in the note. You can improve compliance adherence by requiring a linked note prior to signing the charge slip. You can also proactively require a visit prior to starting a note.

Access Patient Forms
You now have convenient access to Patient Forms and can quickly assign, review, and accept forms for your patients without leaving the chart.

Growth Charts in Vitals Card
We introduced the Vitals Card in our Summer Release. This card has been updated to include Growth Charts and percentile data for pediatrics. Monitor patient growth using WHO and CDC standards. Presentation mode lets you share graphs with guardians and patients in the office.

Problems List Support for ICD-10
You can now search for and add ICD-10 codes directly to the Problems Card. This highly requested update is now available and supports the latest USCDI standards. Outbound CIE and Chart Summaries in our patient portal now include ICD-10 codes in the problems list (known as elements or segments by USCDI).

Open Items Worklist
The Open Items dashboard worklist saves you time by starting a linked visit note when no documentation is found. We expanded the worklist to show all assigned open items including “unsigned” and “my turn to sign.”

Medication Card Support for Metric Vitals
Our highly popular medications card from our Summer Release has been enhanced. You can now send and receive height and weight in metric values while ePrescribing. The medications card gives guidance on which measurement value to send with the medication to the pharmacy.

Electronic Prior Authorization Added to Pharmacy Dashboard Donut
Follow up on important Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA) tasks using the Pharmacy Requests donut on the dashboard. This new section gives visibility to outstanding prior authorizations for your patients and allows direct access to the ePA Accelerator.

Obstetrics Enhancements
There are several workflow improvements designed for obstetricians and pregnancy centers. The OB Summary can be added to patient demographics for faster access to key pregnancy data. A series of new integrated note templates lets providers pull data forward with each new visit associated with the ongoing pregnancy. New OB reports let you review upcoming pregnancy information by EDD, patient, and birth facility as well as an OB History Report that provides an easy review of previous pregnancies. The Problems Card can help you better organize and find pregnancy-related problems.

Quality Reporting with eCQM 2023 Updates
As part of the 2023 CMS Quality Payment Program Measurement Period, we are releasing several clinical quality reporting templates in our Template Library as well as the corresponding 2023 bundle within Clinical Quality Reporting.

Clinical Notes Data in ODBC
ODBC connections now provide access to EHR notes data. For reporting, compliance and tracking needs, unlimited view access has been added. Practices building ad hoc and other onsite reports now have 24/7 access to clinical notes content.

FHIR APIs (Beta)
To remain complaint with federal regulations, we are adding support for FHIR APIs including “SMART on FHIR.” You are now able to use third-party applications that support SMART on FHIR to pull patient information from our EHR. Using the FHIR APIs, you can request data for an individual patient or for multiple patients. Your patients can also use this feature to pull their own health information from the patient portal, usually into mobile apps that support FHIR. These APIs will help keep you and your patients engaged with the latest technology trends as they emerge.


AdvancedMD takes pride in our mobile products. We are invested in expanding and enhancing our apps to make patient care more efficient and effective. This release will include a new admin app as well as enhancements to our current apps so providers can stay more informed as new information becomes available.

New Admin Connect App
Administrators now have access to user management and system alert notifications directly from the app. These real-time push notifications create awareness of system and other issues you may wish to communicate to staff. Available for both iOS and Android.

Patient Preferred Name (all apps)
You can now manage, search by, and view patient preferred name throughout all our mobile apps.

Push Notifications (Clinical) (rolling release)
You now receive push notifications for important tasks, even while away from the office. These notifications help you act on time-sensitive tasks such as medication refill requests and patient portal messages.

Accessibility Updates (Clinical)
We are continuing to add accessibility features to our app to make it easier to use for the visually impaired. We are adding voiceover to all text fields as well as our ICD and CPT code selector. Our scheduler and patient charts have been enhanced with improved accessibility.

Manually Enter Lab Results (Clinical)
You can now manually enter lab results and add in-house or other manual test results straight to the patient chart immediately as they are received.

ConnectiveRx within ePrescribing
We are facilitating better access to needed medications for you and patients with programs designed to offer significant savings and help ensure medication adherence. Our technology partner, ConnectiveRx, is now incorporated in our Clinical app, helping you check for educational materials, discounts, and co-pay assistance within your ePrescribing workflow.

Helpful Resources

Topic: EMR/EHR, Medical Billing, Patient Experience

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