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2023 Spring Release

Tiered release schedule: March 14, 23 & 30

Our goal with each release is to make your experience a little more unified, a little smoother, and introduce new capabilities to enable you to do more with less. We have been working on this release for months and are thrilled to showcase so many new features and capabilities.

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Practice Management

Real Time Claim Status Inquiry
We have enhanced our Claim Status Inquiry. You can now automate claim statuses to be run every 15 days. You can more easily reduce manual work and efficiently work A/R faster. We have added a link and a new message indicator to the Collection by Visit worklist and the Collections visit detail screens. Having a notification and a direct link to the claim status screen helps keep you focused on the collections process without having to leave the collections module.

Hub Homepage Reimagined
Find all the AdvancedMD information you need from our newly created Hub homepage. The page features a search bar so you can search Help Files, Knowledge Base, and Video Training Library all from a single browser window.

Batch Rebill to Carriers
The Claims Reprocessing workflow has been redesigned in Mass Rebill within our billing software. You get a more streamlined and efficient experience. Search capabilities are enhanced so you can easily see items selected to be rebilled. You have the option to add a custom collection note. A rebill history report is also now available. 

Appointment Group Notes
For mental health practices, the group appointment workflow has been streamlined. You can now capture a general group note as well as private notes for each patient. Both note types are captured from the same familiar screen. You can document specific notes, which helps increase the quality and effectiveness of your care.

Workers Comp Custom Fields
We have added five Custom Claim fields for Workers Comp. You can now enter body area, insurance adjuster name, insurance adjuster address, MCO, and nurse care manager for case management data.

ERA Automation Email Notification
We enhanced ERA Automation Email Notifications so you can view rule details, check date, check number, count of payments that did not post due to error, and count of payments that were processed by ERA automation.

Qualified Registry
The Qualified Registry report includes all the required CQM data, such as TIN. Once your data is exported, you can upload it to a qualified third-party registry vendor. You can then easily review the quality measure performance rates prior to submitting your data to CMS.

CAHPS Survey report
The CAHPS Survey is a regulatory report that supports the MIPS incentive program, which earns a performance-based payment adjustment to Medicare payments based on patient care experience. The report includes detailed patient visit information for professional and institutional charges, including procedure and diagnosis codes and patient email addresses.

PM BETA Features

Payer Contractual Reimbursement Tracking (Beta)
The write-off calculation on all payment screens is getting a major enhancement and includes ERAs. It is now easier to ensure you are getting the payments you expect. You can control how the write-off is calculated, either by allowed amount or by expected amount. We also added a specific RARC (payment reason code) so you can more easily track under or over payments.

Credit Card on File Worklists (Beta)
We are releasing new Credit Card on File worklists to simplify the patient payment process. You can now more easily manage expiring cards, work declined payments, track contact attempts, and schedule follow-up calls. Prioritized tasks can now be assigned to staff for more efficient administrative workflow.

Solicited Claim Attachments (BETA)
You can send needed documents for denied claims by fax or mail. You can send EOBs and appeals directly to a carrier to streamline workflow and reduce labor. As with Unsolicited Claim Attachments, you can attach documents from all Charge Entry and Edit screens by importing, scanning, and selecting documents from Chart Files. The status of all attachments is now available making it easier to track within the Claim Attachments screen.

ERA Center (BETA)
We have redesigned our eRemittance Review and Details screens. You now have a more streamlined and efficient experience. This will allow your practice to search, review, and post multiple payments faster.

Fee Schedule System Settings (BETA)
We’ve made creating and updating Fee Schedules faster and easier. You can now assign custom charge amounts by provider type, allowing you to bill out different amounts for the same service based on provider level.

Payer EDI Agreement Gateway (BETA)
Our new Payer Gateway makes your EDI enrollment process faster and easier, improving your time to collections. You can create, submit, and track the status of enrollments for claims, remittance, and eligibility natively within our practice management. Easily manage enrollments without visiting third-party websites or deal with dozens of emails. 


Medication Card Updates

  • Save, Sign, and Send buttons are always present so you can easily access these actions without scrolling to the bottom.
  • Commonly used fields such as ICD and Do Not Fill Until are now visible on the main form for faster data entry.
  • Easily search for and select patient pharmacy within the medication card. You can now search by pharmacy phone number. We have also enhanced field shading to help with visibility.
  • The action menu can now be accessed by right clicking anywhere in the medication card. Once the menu is open, common actions are readily available.
  • Search now shows the lowest dosage drug group first.
  • You can now refresh the medication status by clicking a new icon. This refresh saves time by updating pending medications in the list without refreshing the patient chart or navigating to the eSend Status screen.
  • Patient status is now visible in most dashboard donut worklists including Pharmacy Requests. This informs prescribers while processing renewal requests for patients no longer with your practice.

Favorite Maintenance Screen
Our favorite maintenance screen has been updated to mirror the new medication card. Access the same drug search and medication form fields to create, edit, and remove saved medication favorites. You can now copy your list of favorite medications to multiple providers in your practice.

Medications Not Sent Worklist
From the Prescriptions donut worklist, you can now sign multiple prescriptions for multiple patients. A new filter shows medications that have been signed, but not sent or printed. This filter prevents medications from being lost and ensures they are sent promptly.

ePrescribing with Multiple DEAs for Multiple States Using One Login
You can now set up the Provider profile with alternate profiles, one for each state the clinician practices from and include the respective DEA for that state. This allows you to link the primary provider profile to one login for that clinician. By simply selecting the profile on the prescription for the state, you can save the time and streamline the ePrescribing process.

Vitals Card Updates
This card can now be expanded to a full window in the patient chart. You can also print graphs and growth charts directly from the card.

Dashboard Schedule Enhancements
The single-column schedule on the EHR dashboard unifies access to the provider’s daily schedule. You can now choose to view blocks or non-appointment breaks to your schedule. You can also see which appointments are telehealth.

My Turn to Sign Indicator
While reviewing the Open Items donut worklist on the EHR dashboard, an indicator shows which items are waiting for your signature. This differentiates worklist items that are not signed from items that are flagged as ‘My Turn to Sign.’

Results Donut Includes Unlinked Results
We have added a new section to the Results donut worklist to show lab results received and unmatched to a patient. This new section allows you to review incoming results faster and easier. You can also quickly link unmatched results to the proper patient.

Messages Status Column
A new column in the Messages donut worklist shows the status of your patient and staff messages. Quickly see which staff member completed shared action items in the queue.

Visit Duration Capture
Charges that require duration to calculate units, such as our Claims Same Day Rollup feature, can now be entered within the provider workflow. Administrators can map a duration field inside the provider note when passing charges from the provider to the patient account.

Lab Result Narrative
We recently added a new lab result narrative for inclusion in clinical messaging. We are making this narrative visible to the patient while viewing lab results in the patient portal. This new communication tool keeps patients informed of their test results promptly with detailed explanations to help patients better understand their results.

Clinical Messaging Regulatory Updates
Our Inbound and Outbound CIE (Clinical Information Exchange) tools have been recently updated to capture and send added required USCDI data elements. In addition to sending the new lab result narrative, you can also send ICD-10 codes in the Problems list, Care Team information from the Care Team Card, and Imaging and Pathology Narratives. See our Help Files for more information on sending patient data.

Clinical Quality Reporting Enhancements 

  • Delete More than One Report at a Time. You can now remove multiple performance reports at once.
  • Enhanced Measure Search Filters and Selection. CMS MIPS Quality participants can now filter the measure selection list by Measure Type and Measure Specialty. You can also see which measures are assigned high priority.
  • Episode-based Measures Column. We have added a new column on the patient list screen for episode-based measures. For each denominator episode, you can ensure proper documentation in the Numerator or Exclusion/Exception criteria.
  • Measure Summary Screen. A measure summary section displays the list and number of measures selected. Before the eCQM report is queued, you can review the measure summary section for your preferred measures.
  • 2023 Benchmarks. We have added the 2023 Benchmarks. When viewing the measure performance rate dashboard, you can hover over the performance rate to see the CMS benchmark.


Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
Using our clinical app, prescribers can now access the prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) electronic database while prescribing from the mobile app. This real-time access helps ensure patient safety and allows providers to make informed prescribing decisions.

Manually Enter Lab Results
You can now manually enter lab results and add in-house or other manual test results straight to the patient chart immediately as they are received.

Patient Engagement

Patient Portal Messaging Time Zone Adjustment
We added a new field in the global messaging template called require time zone in reminders that is enabled by default. When unchecked (or disabled), you can remove the time zone stamp and time adjustment for patient messaging.

Patient Portal Lab Result Narrative
The Patient Portal now displays the Lab Result Narrative in Lab Results and Chart Summary.

Patient Portal Bug Fixes
We fixed several bugs in the review screen of our Patient Forms. You can accept and clear forms. Missing patient signatures now appear. Enhancements inside messaging templates now let you add provider title to merge fields.

Telehealth Real-time Status Updates
Like we’ve historically offered in our practice management, we now include real-time status updates in the EHR Provider List View prior to the call. During the call you now have new features: noise cancelation, picture-in-picture (PIP), and mirror my video.

Telehealth Call Performance Monitoring
There are several tools to help improve patient experience. To help you monitor network quality, we now include an indicator that displays network strength and a 5-star review survey is presented after each call. To help troubleshoot performance issues, a call health panel has been added within the settings menu.

Online Scheduling Administrative Fields
Online Scheduling has additional setup options in System Settings giving you more fields that can be required, displayed, or hidden. When patients book an appointment, they can now see a textbox to enter additional details. These details appear in the worklist and on the appointment.

Messaging Campaign Filters
Our Messaging Campaigns have additional filtering features so you can select by appointment date, appointment provider, appointment facility, and appointment column.

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