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Get a Handle on Collections per Total RVU



Looking for a way to get a handle on Relative Value Units (RVUs) tied to Medicare payments or even use RVUs in your own practice? Here’s the formula Medicare uses to calculate payments for the services you provide:

(Work RVUs x Work GPCI) + (Practice Expense RVUs x Practice Expense GPCI) + (Malpractice RVUs x Malpractice GPCI) = Total RVU
Total RVU x Conversion Factor = Medicare Allowable Payment

Seems simple, right? Wrong!

Easily and automatically do the following with AdvancedInsight:

  1. Measure collections per total RVU
  2. Benchmark against medicare reimbursement
  3. Understand revenue cycle performance

Spend 60 seconds to learn how AdvancedInsight helps you understand how much your practice collects per Total RVU to gain a real-time benchmark of your revenue cycle performance.

Watch the Collections per RVU 60-Second Expert Series Video.


Collections per Total RVU (the ultimate revenue cycle metric) with AdvancedInsight

Total RVU is a Medicare metric used to calculate reimbursement. Spend 60 seconds to learn how AdvancedInsight helps you understanding how much your practice collects per Total RVU to gain a real-time benchmark of your revenue cycle performance.

Topic: EMR/EHR, Medical Billing, Revenue Cycle Management

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