We have updated the Patient and Responsible Party search functionality to now consider all phone number fields in a patient record when performing a search by telephone number. Previously, the system would only consider the home phone number field when searching for a patient by telephone number.
Any phone number in the phone numbers field will search when searching by phone.
You can use the shortcut “–“ key or manually enter the phone number and select Phone. From this screen, you can search for a phone number not listed as the home phone.
Nowadays cell phones in many households have replaced home phones. Searching by any phone number you have on file allows you to easily find and connect with patients. Plus, calling a patient with their contact information up and readily available makes the phone interaction seamless.
Have you ever received a voicemail message and are unable to hear the patient details or chart/ account numbers? You can now search by the phone number to obtain what patient was calling to decrease the amount of time it takes to resolve the call. If your voicemail machine failed to record or the patient didn’t leave a message, but you have the caller ID, you can search for that phone number and easily call the patient back.