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The Increased Risk of Ransomware


Disclaimer: This blog article was written by an AdvancedMD partner. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of AdvancedMD.

A 2021 survey by Claroty of 1,100 information technology and security professionals explores their experience with Cybersecurity Attacks and the impact it has had on their operations.

Key findings include:

  • Over 80% of those surveyed reported they have experienced a ransomware attack in the past year
  • Over 85% reported that the ransomware attack had an impact on their business functions
  • Over 60% of the organizations paid the ransom to get their data back
  • Of those who paid ransom the amount was $100,000 or more over 80% of the time

The rising tide of ransomware attacks targeting industrial organizations has reached new heights and no organization is immune.

This report dates back to 2021 and the incidence of ransomware has significantly increased in the past 3 years.

Ransomware payments are problematic.  “U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions, directly or indirectly, with individuals or entities (“persons”) on OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (SDN List), other blocked persons, and those covered by comprehensive country or region embargoes” 

Source :

Paying ransomware is something you want to avoid. There are two methods or avoiding ransomware payments:

  • Not getting ransomware.
  • Being prepared to restore your systems should they become encrypted by ransomware.

Both methods should be utilized to protect your organization from this significant threat.   TLD Systems will be sponsoring a FREE online CME event on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 7 PM Eastern Time to educate you about methods to prevent ransomware as well as steps you can take to recover from ransomware.  To register click the link below

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Michael Brody, DPM
Dr. Brody has been actively involved in computers and medicine since the 1980s. He is a Residency Director at a VA hospital located in Long Island, NY. Notably, he was present as the VA moved from paper records to computerized records. During this time, he was exposed to the stringent rules and regulations that government employees must adhere to when protecting patient information. He co-founded TLD Systems with Warren Melnick. They wanted to create a platform for private practice doctors that provides a cost-effective method of implementing HIPAA compliance in their practices. He has served on the Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP), the Standards and Interoperability Framework (S&I), as a member of the Ambulatory Care Committee at the Certification Commission on Health Information Technology (CCHIT), and numerous other organizations. He is currently a member of the Physicians Committee at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and a co-chair of the EHR workgroup at Health Level Seven International (HL7). He co-founded TLD Systems with Warren Melnick to create a platform that doctors who wish to work in private practice have a cost-effective method of implementing HIPAA compliance in their practices in a manner that does not interfere with their ability to practice medicine. He has served on the Health Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP), the Standards and Interoperability Framework (S&I), as a member of the Ambulatory Care Committee at the Certification Commission on Health Information Technology (CCHIT), and numerous other organizations. He is currently a member of the Physicians Committee at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and a co-Chair of the EHR workgroup at Health Level Seven International (HL7)

Topic: Business

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